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Monza Game 4: Authoritative Gialloblù Advance to Semifinals in Playoffs!

news" wp_automatic_readability="60.682656826568">

news">Monza, 02 April 2023

news">Play Offs, authoritative gialloblù in Monza in game 4: here is the pass for the semifinals!

news">Matey Kaziyski evades the marking of the Brianza wall with a lob in the second set (photo Trabalza)

The fifth success of the season (out of a total of six played) on Vero Volley opens the doors to the fifteenth Semifinal Play Off Scudetto (out of a total of twenty participations) at Itas Trentino. By beating today 3-0 at home, as had already happened last November 6, the team from Brianza, Kaziyski and his companions in fact closed the account in the quarter-final series already in game 4, earning the possibility in the next ten days to be able work out in the gym without having to play any more matches before the start of the Semifinal.
The first of two opportunities to overcome the opening round of the final draw was capitalized tonight at the Monza Arena by the yellow and blues, who will however have to wait until Easter Monday to find out the name of the opponent to challenge in the next round of the draw: Modena or Piacenza, who will play the fifth and last challenge of their confrontation on that date.
Today’s match in Brianza confirmed the growing technical, physical and mental condition of the Trentino players, good at responding blow by blow in the first two sets against a Monza that tried to raise its voice on several occasions, however breaking against the concreteness of the team by Lorenzetti in the break point phase. To capitalize on the many chances obtained on rebuilt in each set, Lavia (11 points with 57% in attack and three of his team’s five total aces), Kaziyski (12 with 50%) and Michieletto (12 with 58%, unstoppable in pipe), well served by a Sbertoli in a great evening. Also considering the results emerging from the other fields, Itas Trentino is the only team to have already won the qualification in the semifinals.

Below is the scoresheet for match 4 of the quarter-finals of the Scudetto SuperLega Credem Banca 2023 Play Offs played tonight at the Monza Arena.

True Volleyball Monza-Itas Trentino 0-3
(22-25, 20-25, 19-25)
REAL VOLLEYBALL: Davyskiba 11, Di Martino 1, Grozer 14, Maar 11, Galassi 2, Kreling 1, Federici (L); Szwarc, Zimmermann, Marttila, Pirazzoli. Ne Magliano, Rossi, Beretta. Herd Massimo Eccheli.
ITAS TRENTINO: Podrascanin 5, Sbertoli 2, Lavia 11, Lisinac 5, Kaziyski 12, Michieletto 12, Laurenzano (L); Nelli 1, Džavoronok, Ne D’Heer, Cavuto, Pace, Berger, Depalma. Herd Angelo Lorenzetti.
REFEREES: Goitre of Turin and Piana di Carpi (Modena).
DURABLE SET: 29′, 27′, 30′; tot. 1h e 26′.
NOTE: 3,930 spectators, collection not communicated. Vero Volley: 4 blocks, 6 aces, 14 serving errors, 10 action errors, 48% in attack, 45% (13%) in reception. Itas Trentino: 8 blocks, 5 aces, 13 serve errors, 6 play errors, 56% in attack, 42% (22%) in reception. Mvp Michieletto.

Trentino Volley Srl
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