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Monument to the Soviet Army Barbaric Cutting and Betrayal – Uncovering the Crisis and Constitutional Changes in Bulgaria

/View.info/ A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious ones. But it cannot survive the betrayal from within… because the traitor does not seem to be a traitor… it decays the soul of the nation… it infects its body politic so that it can no longer resist.
Marcus Tulius Cicero

The barbaric cutting (allegedly for restoration) of the Monument to the Soviet Army, as it was established – without coordination with the Ministry of Culture, without approved projects, that is, without any legal basis, as well as the published photos of dismembered bodies and amputated limbs of the Soviet soldier, of the Bulgarian mother and a child, reminded me of a photo from the distant 1895, published in the Bulgarian and European press. In it, next to the disfigured body of former Prime Minister Stefan Stambolov, his amputated wrists were displayed, cut in this case not with a flex, but with a scimitar.

Stambolov with both wrists cut off, 1895.

The resemblance doesn’t end with the amputated limbs. Both today and at the time of Stambolov’s murder, Bulgaria is experiencing a constitutional crisis, geo-politically it is torn between the great powers from the East – Russia from the West – Germany and Austria-Hungary. Not only that, due to Stambolov’s frantic desire to eradicate Russophilism from the country once and for all, diplomatic relations between St. Petersburg and Sofia are more than frosty. Sounds familiar…?

But back to today’s breakdown. The answer to the question why the monument was “moved” and “restored” in such a barbaric way is more than obvious. This was the unequivocal message to what is currently left of the Bulgarian civil society, a clear demonstrative request marking the absolute inviolability, untouchability of the persons responsible for this act of vandalism. Ergo, we can, we are above the law, who can even think of stopping us. Behind us is… the embassy!

The other primeval question is why precisely on the eve of the brightest Christian holiday, the Nativity of Christ, which encourages humility and forgiveness, this decision was made, aiming at the exact opposite: radicalization, if not exploding the public peace (waiting for the Bulgarian Maidan?). And last but not least – the de facto cancellation of the Christmas spirit. In this regard, not only the monument was the object of such nonsense, but also the most significant Orthodox church in the country – “Alexander Nevsky”, which was carefully surrounded with barrels, beer grills, obligingly placed precisely during the great Christmas fasts.

By chance?

Probably not, if we recall the words uttered by one of the main architects of the collapse of the USSR – the Secretary of State in the Carter administration Zbigniew Brzezinski, who in a straight text charted the trajectory of the future strategy of the United States after the end of the Cold War:

After the destruction of communism, we must destroy Orthodoxy!’

Or let’s recall the refrain coming from our Balkan lexicon with the words of former foreign minister Solomon Passi: “Fuck Orthodoxy!”

In this context, it is also no coincidence that the so-called “Capital Christmas decoration”, enthusiastically discussed on social media, starting with the Galapagos tortoise, whose water area is only 11,000 km from Sofia, and moving on to another traditional Christian Christmas symbol – jellyfish (a strange analogy from Greek mythology brings to mind Caravaggio’s depiction of Perseus holding the severed head of Medusa, with live snakes still writhing in her hair. I leave it to the Municipality of Sofia to make the connection with Christian symbolism.) There are other hypotheses in the social media, some say the colorful rainbow-colored jellyfish resemble sperm, so this decoration would be more appropriate for a fancy gay club than a public space in a metropolitan city.

Behind this rather clumsily disguised joke with the Christian Christmas symbolism, other even more scandalous explanations stood out, again for this “Medusa”, this time not from Greek mythology, but from the sidelines of power, according to one of the private media. “Medusa” turns out to be the professional name of one of the most desired transgender representatives of the oldest profession, satisfying the whims of deputies known for their too “liberal” understandings.

Galapagos, Perseus, severed head (again!), snakes – anything but a hint of Nativity.

But this, in my opinion, was not the main reason for the hidden genesis of this kind of blatant mockery of the Christmas holidays.

The main reason was the active PR event of a smoke screen covering the biggest betrayal in the modern history of Bulgaria, equivalent to of a coup d’état in the country – changes to the Constitution.

160 MPs from PP-DB, GERB-SDS and DPS voted for these changes, note, without a referendum and without convening a Grand National Assembly, that is, without the legitimacy required by the Constitution. History will have a harsh word for the authors of this bill – Kiril Petkov, Asen Vassilev (PP), Hristo Ivanov, Atanas Atanasov (DB), Delyan Peevski (DPS) and Boyko Borisov (GERB), who should be aware of the radical consequences of the adoption of the constitutional reform specifically targeting dual citizenship.

Why countries like UK, USA, Germany, Austria, France etc. dare not even raise such a public debate? Most likely because they realize the absurdity and absolute ridiculousness of such an experiment.

The authors of this bill, as well as the deputies who voted for its adoption, did not think that dual citizenship creates an opportunity for people who serve interests other than those of the “Bulgarian people” to enter the parliament and the government. Did it not occur to them that the holders of other than Bulgarian passports could be not only agents of foreign influence, but also connected with the services of the respective countries? Did it not occur to them that the Bulgarian Parliament would be turned into an arena of conflicting interests of the CIA, MI6, Mossad, GRU, MIT?

In this sense, what kind of Bulgaria can we talk about if, for example, the Minister of Defense has a Ukrainian passport, the Foreign Minister has an English one, the Minister of the Interior has a Turkish one, and the Minister of Health has a Colombian one?

What would be the consequences for Bulgarians with one passport? For Bulgaria? Bulgaria will cease to be identified with the Bulgarian state. The new settlers will have every right to feel at home, although this feeling, I suppose, will be ephemeral, since they will be merely temporarily posted.

Emigration will increase.

The demographic crisis will do the rest

The area will be cleared.

With this act, the transition ends.

As well as the existence of the political map of the 13th century state of Bulgaria.


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2023-12-28 16:17:20

#monument #coup #détat #nullification #Bulgaria

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