Françoise Schaeffer and Sophie Desarthe provide explanations for the future organization of emergencies. (© Le Petit Courrier – L’Echo de la Vallée du Loir)
For several months, the emergency room of the’hospital from Montval-sur-Loir (Sarthe) farm punctually. In question, a lack from doctors to ensure continuity and permanence of care.
As the situation could not continue, a news organisation must be implemented in the coming months.
Sophie Disarthe, general secretary CFDT social health of Sarthe and Françoise Schaeffer, staff representative of the hospital Chateau-du-Loir, detail how it will work.
“An emergency mobile paramedical team will be created with a nurse and a caregiver who will at the same time be an ambulance attendant. There will be a day shift and a night shift, ie 4 people who can be mobilized seven days a week and 24 hours a day. We want to reassure the population that emergencies are always insured. “
“Giving better chances to patients”
In case of’emergency, patients are encouraged to call 15.
“There, the regulatory doctor will redirect the mobile team to the patients’ homes. She will have to provide first aid while waiting for the Samu which will come from Le Mans. As a hospital, we have an obligation to respond to emergency care within 30 minutes. The Le Mans Smur cannot be there in 30 minutes. The creation of this mobile team gives better chances to patients. “
Recruiting doctors, a priority
The two staff representatives let it be known that this project is good, but we regret that the person was not involved in the reflection. Other ideas could also have emerged. They emphasize the need to make this device temporary, waiting for recruit of doctors.
“This lack of doctors is general in Sarthe. The will of the CFDT is to see doctors arrive to provide care to the population. The Château hospital is dynamic, with a medical project. It can make you want! “
No date has yet been set for the establishment of this team. ” The recruitment in the personnel of the hospital is in Classes. »