Home » today » News » Montreuil City Offers a Variety of Activities for All Ages: Sports, Youth Fun, Childhood Creativity, Solidarity and More!

Montreuil City Offers a Variety of Activities for All Ages: Sports, Youth Fun, Childhood Creativity, Solidarity and More!

From 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.

True places of exchange, sharing, discovery, leisure and conviviality, the city of Montreuil and the associations offer you various and varied activities for young and old throughout the afternoon.

► Sportsmanship

Sports to keep in shape all afternoon!

Play together through demonstrations and initiations: sliding sports, rugby, volleyball, canoeing, martial arts, chess, boxing, street-soccer, rollerblading, tennis, volleyball and fencing! Come and discover in this space sports practices for all!

Inauguration of nouveau Pump Track starting at 16h

► Young people in action!

A youth area for 11-25 year olds to have fun and relax with friends or family!

Come and enjoy the various activities on offer: manual activities, a space for 16-25 year olds, food and drink, a laser game, FreeFall to throw yourself into the void, the double mower for the most seasoned, sensations guaranteed!

► Childhood Land

The world of childhood all in creativity and dynamism for 4-11 year olds

Four fun and friendly leisure areas: events combining the visual arts, artistic and cultural expression with a workshop offered by the Tignous Center for Contemporary Art related to the exhibition Oscillationscome and create your vinyl cover!

You will also find entertainment in sports, science and digital technology as well as a stage to delight young and old with dancing and singing.

► Little darlings

An animated cocoon for 0-3 year olds

Meeting between early childhood and playful roaming through moments of play and musical awakening offered by the theater of the rocksconstruction and a relaxation area.

► Solidarity together!

Forge links: together we are stronger!

The senior pole invites you to come and connect, recharge your batteries, dance, share, discuss and meet each other for a party that brings people together.

► Associative village

Welcome to the village of associations. People come here to dance, sing and taste the flavors of the world. We stop there to listen to lively debates, to hear music from all walks of life. We meet committed citizens there. We discover the cultures of the city. We live together the spirit and the art of the city in a friendly atmosphere.

The volunteers of more than 70 associations thus welcome you, around their food stands, workshops, exhibitions, demonstrations and events… family, musical and sports scenes… for the pleasure of adults and children, a giant parquet floor to follow the rhythmic steps of the artists.

► Family Madness

Live together and have fun!

a whirlwind of entertainment, initiations and demonstrations for families offered by Montreuil associations.

► Zero Waste Challenge

Towards zero waste on a daily basis: learn how to sort, reuse and compost, come and take part in awareness workshops: Zero plastic bags, composting and reuse.

Fun activities are offered by the Libraries around the environmental theme.

► Creative Factory

The Pop House is discovered in the open air!

Cultures from here and elsewhere all in demonstration, initiations and open participation, Zen and creative workshops for families as well as a bar area, refreshment bar to relax

► Not all the same all equal

Differences unite.

Various fun workshops, children and adults around the different types of disability (motor, sensory, mental, cognitive). Throughout the afternoon will follow one another animations and cultural shows. the association Two hands to get along offers you an introduction to sign language and simultaneous storytelling.

Performance of “SHOWCASE” dance show by the workers of l’ESAT – MARSOULAN.

#Montreal #City #Day

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