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Montpezat-de-Quercy. Labeling of the country Art and History

This year, the Pays Midi-Quercy presented to the territory’s elected officials the culmination of a long process: the labeling of the territory as a Country of Art and History. It started with the arrival of the guests with the visit of the collegiate church with Emmanuel Moureau, heritage curator.

The conference of mayors and elected officials is the annual meeting during which the Pays Midi-Quercy (Pôle d’Équilibre Territorial et Rural) reports to the elected officials of its territory on the actions carried out during the year. The mayors and elected officials met in Montpezat-de-Quercy for their annual conference around the major theme of the year 2021 for the Pays Midi-Quercy: the Land of art and history. This national label recognizes the territory’s commitment to raising awareness of architecture and heritage. For the occasion, the deputy regional director of cultural affairs for Occitanie, Bruno Mikol and the president of Pays Midi-Quercy, Jacques Calmettes, officially signed the partnership agreement in the presence of Michel Weill, president of the departmental council of Tarn-et -Garonne, Patrice Garrigues, regional councillor, Valérie Rabault, deputy for Tarn-et-Garonne and François Bonhomme, senator for Tarn-et-Garonne.

This official signature launches the starting signal for activities to discover the rich heritage of the territory. During this session, the group was able to discuss with Mr. Pisani, elected in St-Etienne-de-Tulmont and member of the Bureau du Pays Midi-Quercy. This was followed by the intervention of Mrs. Sinopoli, elected departmental, mayor of Septfonds and elected to the Office of the Midi-Quercy Country who presented the Mounière, house of, identified as a resource place of the Country of art and history. Gérard Mounié, mayor of the village, presented the Maison des Vins et du Tourisme project, a local viticultural know-how that has shaped polyculture landscapes.

To finish, it is of course around a small glass of Coteaux du Quercy and a buffet dinner concocted by Quercy delicacies, that elected officials and cultural actors met to close this evening.

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