The Montpellier soprano is selected in the semi-finals of a Grand Prix lyrique in the United States.
She takes flight again, and it’s not her first competition! Since last year, Barbara Derathé has been collecting lyrical distinctions. Second in the “Music Competition on line”, special prize “Corsica Lirica”, finalist in Naples, Honorable Mention in the Clara Schumann competition… the confinement has not stopped his projects, coaching, internships or online kitty.
Candidate this time for the American competition “American Music Grand Prix”, which organizes its second selection, she was the only French selected among the nineteen participants to the semi-final which will take place on Saturday.
Dido, from Berlioz to Purcell
The competition, which is also open to musicians and composers, and which has a good hundred applicants, was launched last year, like a lot of others, the Covid epidemic having aroused enthusiasm for new selections.
The soprano hesitated: she had the choice between Texas, Florida and New York. She chose the city of skyscrapers and will sing at the Kaufman Music Center. Unlike the other candidates for Italian opera, she had chosen a French aria, “La mort de Didon” in The Trojans of Berlioz, and she decided that she would be Queen of Carthage again, but Purcell’s heroine this time.
“I made my choices”
She remains faithful to the diversity of her lyrical talents and her taste for the baroque, which is usually not very asserted by candidates for competitions. Rusalka, Carmen, Barbara, her repertoire is vast . “I asked myself a lot of questions, explains this soprano who works diligently with the pianist of the Écume ensemble Christelle Chambourdon.
I’m considering different interpretations but we have to decide. I made my choices.”
-Youtube channel “Barbara Derathe”.