Home » today » News » Montpellier: three Bosnian teenage girls steal the bank card of a 50-year-old

Montpellier: three Bosnian teenage girls steal the bank card of a 50-year-old

And one more example which shows that we must be vigilant, at the moment, in Montpellier. The facts occurred on Saturday August 6, around 6 p.m., Gare district.

Officials from the city’s urban supervision center (CSU) caught three Bosnian teenage girls in the act of pickpocketing at Saint-Roch station on Saturday, August 6, around 6 p.m. In this case, the three pickpockets had just surrounded their victim while one of them stole his wallet from his bag before passing it to the second who passed it on to the third. Neither seen nor known !

The sesame in hand, the latter hastened to go to a bank branch to withdraw money from the ATM. For some unknown reason (perhaps a code error?), she was forced to leave the card in the device. It was then that she was arrested by the police officers of the anti-crime brigade who had just been notified by the CSU.


Found in possession of the victim’s wallet which contained, among other things, his identity document, his passport and his vital card, the young thief was placed in police custody. When questioned, she explained that she was pregnant, 12 years old (more likely 15, 16 or 17), homeless and a native of Sarajevo.

She was finally released but will have to appear before the juvenile prosecutor’s office on November 4. As for the purse, it was returned to the victim, aged 59, who had realized absolutely nothing.

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