
The Occitanie Agency of the Abbé Pierre Foundation will present its 27th report to the press on “The state of homelessness”on March 17 in Montpellier

– “A few weeks before the presidential election, after two years of major health and social crisis, while more and more people are anchored in poverty and find it difficult to find decent housing, the Abbé Pierre Foundation would like to remind you to what extent the fight against poor housing must be a priority.

Housing has been the poor relation of this five-year term, leaving aside the most precarious. The policy of “Housing First”implemented in 2018, demonstrates certain progress but has remained too marginal with regard to needs.

The Occitanie region, which is characterized by a high poverty rate, a number of job seekers well above the national level, a structural lack of social housing and a private sector that is too often inaccessible or unworthy, has been committed for almost four years, in three of its territories (Nîmes Agglomeration, Montpellier Métropole, city of Toulouse), in this strategy “Housing First”.

In its report, the Regional Agency for Abbé Pierre Foundation wished, beyond the figures, to analyze the implementation of this policy in order to know if it has borne fruit in the region. On what aspects? With which partnerships? For which audience? What means have been put in place to increase the production of affordable housing? Beyond the small-scale experiments, can we speak of a transformation of housing policy at the local level? “.

  • This meeting takes place ahead of a public presentation on March 22 in Montpellier, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Halle Tropisme (121, rue de Foncouverte). This will be followed by a presentation of the festival “C’est Pas Du Luxe” (http://cestpasduluxe.fr ), from 6 p.m. with a more festive time (exhibitions and concert).