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Montpellier-Knife attack at Burger King: the defendant fled during the recess

The facts occurred on Sunday, May 2, 2021 around noon in the Prés-d’Arènes neighborhood. The victim, injured three times, had had 91 days of ITT. His attacker appeared on Wednesday in court. He was sentenced to five years in prison with a warrant of committal, two of which were suspended.

Coup de theater, this Wednesday, June 16, at the single judge hearing of the Montpellier Criminal Court. While the public prosecutor has just requested a heavy prison sentence, with a committal warrant, the defendant, who appeared free, took advantage of the suspension of the hearing to take the tangent.

An arrest warrant issued against him

He was being prosecuted for acts of violence with a weapon, committed on May 2 in the parking lot of the Burger King in Près-d’Arènes. In view of his absence, the court issued an arrest warrant against him and sentenced him to five years in prison, two of which were suspended, following to the letter the requisitions of the public prosecutor.

But let’s get to the facts. On May 2, at noon, a delivery man from UberEats, who was waiting for a delivery at McDonald’s, saw an individual with whom he had a long-standing dispute. The latter gets in line and pushes him aside. The story does not say whether it is voluntary or not.

Three stab wounds in the buttock, arm and armpit

Except that, thinking that he comes to fight, the thirty-something him throws a punch which will lead to a brawl between the two men. A fight during which the owner of the two-wheeler falls to the ground and gets bitten violently on the cheek. It will take the intervention of third parties to separate the two belligerents.

The litigation could have ended there except that the respondent will return to the charge by hitting the victim with his car scooter ride to Burger King to pick up another order. Getting out of his armed vehicle, he even stabs him three times in the buttock, arm and armpit, before fleeing.

The victim still in rehabilitation

“My client owes his survival only to the rapid intervention of the employees of the establishment who managed to stop the significant bleeding he had, before the arrival of help,” says Maître Christian Dumont who was insurgent, at the time, that the accused be released under judicial supervision. “The charges against him were very serious. Besides, my client is still in a rehabilitation center and is not guaranteed to regain the mobility of his fingers and his left arm, “he told Midi Libre.

As for his attacker, he is today actively sought.

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