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Montpellier: after 300 hours of work, Sarah Delanchy sketched Montpellier

The profession of architect did not suit her so Sarah Delanchy changed direction to make her passion her profession. In this 28-year-old artist, talent seems innate. Meet.

Sarah Delanchy, 28, is not a fan of writing. His favorite expression is drawing. On a daily basis, it is the smell of paint and the sound of leaves that accompanies her days. Around her, nothing, no one. No noise, no music. Just her and her pens. The perfect osmosis for the one who has just made a sketch of the city of Montpellier. 300 hours of work and a lot of research led to this work.

The childhood of art

The young woman has never been trained in this. “From kindergarten, my teachers called my parents because they thought my work was incredible”, remembers the young woman with amusement. Since I was little, I’ve had lots of notebooks in bulk… It’s funny…” she says while browsing the pages, one by one. She smiles at times. “Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn’t”, she chuckles. These notebooks are the fruit of his imagination. Of everything that goes on in his head. She has nothing of a UFO, however, she just observes. She peers. Objects, landscapes. And even characters. Absolutely everything. It’s a passion. His passion. Her way of feeling free.

“My workshop is my bubble, my secret garden”

20 years later, it is for this freedom that she decides to leave everything. Architect, the young woman is not happy professionally. Last November, on her birthday, she decided to launch her company: Sarah Delanchy. She feels ready and mature enough to put her passion at the service of her profession. “It all started with the Montpellier card. Even though I had some apprehension, I threw myself headlong. But I didn’t know where I was going or even if my work was going to pay off, or even please…” remembers the young woman with difficulty. Until the day when the metropolis of Montpellier is interested in his work. A glimmer of hope for the young woman…

An organized woman

Since November, its rhythm has always been the same. Clear. Accurate. Structure. Sarah Delanchy is an organized woman. “Around 7-8 a.m., I’m at the workshop. If I have a breakdown of inspiration, I go for a walk. Or I read a book”. But very often, the simple fact of coming to the studio allows the artist to clarify his ideas and clear his mind. “Even if I have very hard weeks, it’s vital to come and draw here”she smiles.

A gallery: his next project?

“I communicate a lot through Instagram. I share everything I can show. Word of mouth is starting to work well. I already have a few offers.” His two upcoming orders? The wine estate at the foot of Pic-Saint-Loup but also the map of Marseille. All future orders are listed on a board at the back of his workshop. She calls it her “to do list”. “I walk a lot with the To do list. Otherwise, I’m afraid of forgetting half of everything I have to do”, she confides, sometimes a little overworked.

Today, Sarah Delanchy is fulfilled. She remains open to all proposals and collaborations. Her work can be seen on her website “Sarah Delanchy”. She hopes to be able, in the long term, to open her own face-to-face gallery… To be continued!

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