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Montluçon (Allier): more than 100 people gathered to support an Armenian family threatened with deportation

Norik Sargsyan is, this Saturday, April 24, at 11 am, on Place Jean-Jaurès, in front of the Town Hall, in Montluçon. At his side, a little more than 100 people are gathered. All there to support this father, as well as his wife and children, Armenians living in Montluçon since 2017 and now threatened with deportation.

Threatened with expulsion, an Armenian family living in Montluçon (Allier) requests an interview with the prefect

Rejected asylum applications

“All these people are there with me to help us find a solution. It makes me happy that there are so many people », Confides Norik Sargsyan. A previous demonstration, of the same magnitude, had already taken place on April 18. And others should still follow (in particular on May 15 on the place Jean-Jaurès).

“We wrote a collective letter asking to regularize the situation of Norik and his family. We will symbolically drop it off at the sub-prefecture, ”explains Sophie Godo, volunteer at Cimade (which defends the rights of refugees and migrants) and at RESF (education network without borders) 03.

“In 2014, they fled Armenia to protect themselves. And their asylum requests were unsuccessful. “

Sophie Godo (volunteer at Cimade and RESF 03)

The family is therefore at an impasse today.

Gathered in silence this Sunday, April 18 in Montluçon (Allier) for Norik and his family threatened with deportation

Silence then applause

Mireille Pasquet, RESF coordinator in the Allier department, adds: “This suffering of not having papers, this family has every day. “

They cannot live with dignity while they are integrated. Norik even has a possibility to work but cannot because of his situation.

Mireille Pasquet, coordinator of RESF 03

So, to show their support, and think about the next actions to take, the participants in this gathering formed a circle of silence for several minutes. A silence finally broken by many applause.

Laura Morel

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