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Monterrey weather today: this is the weather forecast for August 28

This is the weather forecast for this Wednesday (Illustrative image Infobae)

Will it rain, be sunny or cold on August 28? Here is the weather forecast for the next few hours in Monterrey.

During the day, temperatures will reach a maximum of 32 degrees, there will be a 60% chance of rain, with 77% cloud cover, while wind gusts will reach 35 kilometers per hour.

As for ultraviolet rays, they are expected to reach a level of up to 9.

At night, temperatures will reach 23 degrees, while the forecast will be 22% precipitation, with 30% cloud cover, while wind gusts will reach 32 kilometers per hour at night.

Weather forecast for Monterrey (Illustrative image Infobae)

The best season to visit the capital of the state is from January to August and from October to December, when the weather is warm or hot, with hardly any rain and temperatures ranging from 27 to 35 degrees.

Because temperatures are extremely high in summer, the capital experiences a drought that reaches its highest level between July and August, a season also known as “dog days.”

In contrast, the rainy season begins in the fall, with the ninth month of the year being the month with the most rainfall, however, there have been occasions when storms have occurred, causing severe flooding between April and June. In January, the coldest month, the thermometer drops to an average of 14 degrees, although the “coldest day” is usually recorded in February.

According to the records, the lowest temperature ever recorded in the city was in 1983, when the thermometer reached -7.5 degrees, while the last snowfall occurred in December 2004; in contrast, the day with the highest temperature was recorded on April 24, 1958, when it reached 48 degrees.

Between July and August, Monterrey experiences a severe drought. (Cuartoscuro)

Mexico is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world, because due to its geographical location that makes it worthy of a great variety of climates, it has become home to 12% of the world’s species (12,000 of which are endemic).

The country is located in two completely different areas as it is crossed by the Tropic of Cancer: on one hand there is the tropical zone and on the other there is a temperate climate, however, these are mixed by the oceans and reliefs that surround Mexico giving rise to more times.

Given this, it is not surprising to find that in the highest parts of Chihuahua the temperatures are around -30 degrees, while in the Mexicali desert the thermometer reaches up to 50 degrees.

The country has a warm rainy zone comprising the low coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific; warm-humid and warm sub-humid regions that can be found in the coastal plains of the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, northern Chiapas and the Yucatan Peninsula; dry climate in the Sierra Madre Occidental and Oriental, the high basins of the Balsas and Papaloapan rivers, parts of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Yucatan and Chiapas; temperate zones, mostly the territory north of the Tropic of Cancer; and semi-desert, north of the Altiplano.

The average temperature in the country is 19 degrees, however, there are cities such as Mexicali, Culiacán, Ciudad Juárez, Hermosillo, Torreón, Saltillo or Monterrey where the high temperatures are truly extreme.

When talking about record high and low temperatures in Mexico, we have to say that San Luis Río Colorado, a city located in Sonora but bordering the Gran Desierto de Altar in Baja California, reached 58.5 degrees on July 6, 1966; in contrast, the lowest temperature was recorded on December 27, 1997 in the municipality of Madero in Chihuahua, with -25 degrees.

Experts say that due to climate change, the country will suffer a decrease in annual rainfall and a considerable increase in temperatures in the future; in addition, there have been major impacts on farmers and ranchers due to droughts or severe flooding in recent years; while in hot weather there has been an increase in the number of environmental contingencies in major metropolises such as Mexico City or Monterrey.

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