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Montepulciano, sect discovered and sexual violence, guru arrested

The promise was to help “develop positive energy”. Empty words to manipulate fragile and insecure people, often due to bereavement or serious family trauma, and push them to donate all their savings and become sex objects.

Two precautionary measures were carried out by the mobile police squad against a 46-year-old man and his fifty-year-old companion, founders of an association (“Nautilus Xenolid“) which on paper promoted alternative medicine but which in fact served the couple to obtain sex and money.

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The guru, Andrea Paolini, 46, ended up under house arrest, while his partner Stefania Fabbro was affected by the obligation to stay in the municipality of residence (Montepulciano). A dozen confirmed victims, but the investigations – coordinated by prosecutor Angela Pietroiusti – are still ongoing and other people could come forward in the coming weeks. The accusations are sexual assault and abusive practice of the psychotherapist psychologist profession. Paolini is also criticized for the abusive exercise of the medical profession, for having visited patients suffering from serious pathologies despite having no title.

The testimony of a mother, worried about her daughter who behaved in an elusive and aggressive way, was fundamental for the investigation. The woman discovered a donation of 8,000 euros to the association and began to investigate, even mingling with the followers during a meeting. The rest was done by the patient investigation of the anti-cult team of the police headquarters.

According to the accusations, the couple propagated raving theories (with lots of references to the film Matrix) in the field of medicine, psychotherapy and in general on the highest systems. “He said that we live in a Matrix, we are all robots manipulated by otherworldly presences – a testimony – he said he was one, an absolute thing, he claimed to be born to free people from the Matrix and turn them into love”.

The victims, all people in crisis due to unhappy life circumstances, were lured with the promise of healing from the “pain of living” and almost without realizing it turned into puppets in the hands of the guru. The first step was a 65-hour training course, at a cost of 1,500 euros, in which Paolini proposed his theory according to which “the soul is divided into small other souls found both on earth and in other planets”. In reality, the goals were much lower. In one of these courses, in a farmhouse in Volterra, a girl was allegedly abused in front of several witnesses. Paolini would have approached her in the pool and held her by force, whispering to her that it was “to accelerate the evolutionary path”.

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