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Montepio Association escapes special audit by insurance supervisor

Montepio Geral will escape the special audit that the law allows to be ordered by the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (ASF) since, in 2018, it gained responsibilities (even if partial) over the supervision of the two largest mutual associations in the parents. But you will have to report data to the supervisor, who will be subject to additional certification.

In the light of the new powers enshrined in the Code of Mutualist Associations, the former president, José Almaça, admitted to determining a special audit to Associação Mutualista Montepio Geral as a possibility, but this has not progressed. Nor will this happen, even in the current presidency. Margarida Corrêa de Aguiar says that there is no interest “nor is there a reason to be”. The ASF leader argues, however, that there is close monitoring.

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