From the parking lot of Arena bathroom crossing the Pine forest you reach them Ripe Rosse, a long, golden beach with crystal clear sea. A destination reached, particularly in the summer period, by many people. It’s a shame, however, that the situation is currently not the best and the danger of having to resort to medical care is just around the corner. The wooden walkway to access the beach is in fact currently in very poor condition.
Safety at risk
In many places the boards – as reported by many people, including several tourists who already crowd the beach in the renowned tourist resort of Cilento – they jumped. In fact, in this situation, the safety of swimmers who have started to crowd the beach again with the beautiful sunny days is put at risk. Especially on weekends the walkway, from which rusty nails protrude, is crossed by families with children in tow and also many elderly people.
The protests
Many wonder whose responsibility it is, who is responsible for intervening to ensure safety or reporting the danger. Even if it pertained to the Cilento National Park, Diano e Sapwood, as someone indicated but to be verified at the competent offices – the municipal administration of Montecorice should signal the danger with appropriate signs and prohibit passage through the pine forest until the dilapidated walkway is made safe. All this to avoid negative consequences for residents and tourists at a time that should instead be one of absolute serenity. But, until now, despite the reports, the danger wins.
#Montecorice #walkway #dangerous #beach
– 2024-05-09 07:41:48