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Montbeliard​. Clap of the end in style for the 1-day film festival

Cannes made its final show on the Croisette on Saturday evening. Reply to Montbéliard without Vincent Lindon as president of the jury or international stars, just with students from all over France who, to plagiarize Ghislain Montavon, the director of the Belfort Montbéliard Technological University (UTBM), took up this cinematographic challenge “with passion, energy and emotions.

Energy, it took the engineering students of the UTBM who carry the organization of this festival, 17th of the name, after two years marked by a planetary pandemic which we know how complicated, difficult, trying to go through for the student world. “The festival is not dead. We’re still here and we’re coming back to the stage stronger than ever”, says enthusiastic Guillaume Roy, one of the conductors of this festival, imagined 17 years ago by the UTBM and which now echoes throughout the hexagon. So of course, the organizers would have hoped for more teams competing. Nevertheless. The FF1J 2022 resonated in Nantes, Toulouse, Lille, Paris, Nancy and Montbéliard with eight teams who achieved the feat by producing a short film of six to seven minutes in 50 hours. From the script to the editing on an imposed theme drawn by lot: quicksand.

The story of paranormal cookies

We have to admit that the theme is not very pleasing. Camera in hand, the creative marathon runners of the short film tackled depression, madness, harassment at work, doubt, “those psychological quicksands that engulf you when you struggle”. It is sometimes heavy. Leading. Anxiety inducing. At the same time, it is fitting with the subject. Lightness all the same. Like the organization of anarchist cats that wants to wipe humanity off the map and is campaigning, by the way, for the legalization of catnip (!), a film signed by the students of Polytechnique Lille (Le Studio ) or even the short film question of doubt featuring paranormal shortbread cookies teleporting to an idea from the Centrale Nantes team.

She is the one who wins the Chrono d’Or and even does a double by capturing the public’s favorite prize. The prize for the best screenplay is awarded to the Toulousains of JTS for abused. The prize for the best photo goes to the Nancy team (GSI media) for green trap. Special mention for the Tigroupe, an out-of-competition team that never misses a festival. He cracked up the audience with laughter and delight with the story of a shortbread who wants to live his life without being bitten (definitely, shortbread holds a place of choice in students’ cupboards!). “Since Thursday, I have slept at most 7:30 a.m. but what a foot this festival,” smiles Hugo from Toulouse. “A very beautiful edition”, abounds Guillaume Roy. “It was sharing with the other schools, increased energy, everything went extremely well with great success during the outdoor screening at Près-la-Rose, good feedback from the festival village in the heart of the city in Montbeliard. We are tired but so happy…”

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