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Montauban. Swimming: Jonathan Zelic (MN82) in gold!

The first day of the French Masters championships in Angers got off to the best possible start for the Montauban swimming 82 delegation with three podiums including two titles. And yet it had started badly with the package in the water of the leader Grégory Baeza, forced to give up with death in the soul due to sciatica. Is it this last minute package that pushed the other swimmers to surpass themselves? May be. One thing is certain, however, the Montallbanais have met the expectations placed on them, in particular with Jonathan Zelic who won the 100 meter backstroke in National 1 category C3 (35-40 years), in 58”76. Admittedly, he was one of the favorites, but moving from hope to action is never so easy. A gold medal was already great news for the Montalbanais but two was almost unexpected. And yet, Sabine Larribe in National 2 category C3 went beyond expectations by also climbing the top step of the 50-meter freestyle in 34”83. And never two without three since Grégory Lenfant (National 2, category C2) almost imitated his two little comrades by taking second place in the 50 meter freestyle, in 27”77. Continuation of the celebrations today.

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