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Montauban. Results of the 2020 competition for towns and villages in bloom of Tarn-et-Garonne

The jury of the Cities and Villages in Bloom competition (which actually breaks down into three juries depending on the size of the municipalities) met on Wednesday 23 September at the Hôtel du Département to draw up the ranking of the participating towns and villages. This year is inevitably, Covid-19 obliges, very particular, but in Tarn-et-Garonne, as in a handful of other departments in France, the competition was maintained despite everything so that the efforts of elected officials, municipal agents and citizens for the flourishing and embellishment of their municipality are rewarded as they should.

After long hours of discussion and after an in-depth examination of the files of all the participating municipalities, the winners were finally unveiled.

Municipalities less than or equal to 300 inhabitants.

1st, Maubec. 2nd ex-aequo, Lapenche, Mansonville and Montbarla.

Obtained the congratulations of the jury:

3rd ex-aequo, Belbèze-en-Lomagne, Cumont and Le Causé.

Obtained the compliments of the jury: Angeville, Asques, Auterive, Beaupuy, Brassac, Castéra-Bouzet, Cazals, Comberouger, Coutures, Escazeaux, Esparsac, Faudoas, Fauroux, Féneyrols, Gariès, Gimat, Goas, Gramont, Labastide-de-Penne , Lacour-de-Visa, Lafitte, Le Pin, Marignac, Montaïn, Perville, Puygaillard-de-Lomagne, Saint-Cirice, Saint-Jean-du-Bouzet, Sainte-Juliette.

Municipalities between 301 and 1,000 inhabitants.

1st, Bourret, 2nd, Labarthe, 3rd, Parisot.

Obtained the compliments of the jury: Albefeuille-Lagarde, Auvillar, Barry-d’Islemade, Bouillac, Bourg-de-Visa, Castelferrus, Caumont, Cordes-Tolosannes, Durfort-Lacapelette, Espalais, Fabas, Garganvillar, Génbrières, Larrazet, La Salvetat-Belmontet, Lizac, Miramont-de-Quercy, Montesquieu, Piquecos, Puycornet, Saint-Aignan, Saint-Cirq, Saint-Loup, Saint-Nazaire-de-Valentane, Saint-Paul d’Espis, Touffailles, Vaïssac, Vazerac , Verfeil-sur-Seye, Verlhac-Tescou.

Communes included in 1,001 and 3,000 inhabitants;

1st, Lauzerte. 2nd, Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Grave.

Obtained the congratulations of the jury: 3rd, Monteils.

Obtained the compliments of the jury: Aucamville, Bioule, Castelmayran, Caylus, Cazes-Mondenard, Dieupentale, Dunes, Finhan, Mas-Grenier, Mirabel, Monclar-de-Quercy, Montaigu-de-Quercy, Montbartier, Saint-Nauphary, Saint -Sardos, Villebrumier.

Communes included in 3,001 and 15,000 inhabitants.

1st ex-aequo, Caussade and Valence d’Agen.

Congratulations from the jury: 2nd, Montech. 3rd, Labastide-Saint-Pierre.

Tarn-et-Garonne color prize: Cayriech.

Heritage price. Valuation of the war memorial: for municipalities less than or equal to 300 Montaïn inhabitants; for municipalities of 301 to 1,000 inhabitants, Labarthe; for municipalities with 1,001 to 3,000 inhabitants, Montaigu-de-Quercy; for municipalities with 3,001 to 15,000 inhabitants, Castelsarrasin.

Special mentions from the jury;

Belbèze-en-Lomagne, original educational activity during the pandemic (creation of Laguépie mills, development of the banks of the Tarn and water management.

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