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Montauban. Court: owner and real estate agent sentenced for renting unsanitary housing

The traditional Wednesday market, place Lalaque in Montauban, coincided yesterday morning with the end of the Prévention Tour, a covid 19 awareness campaign which recently took place in Castelsarrasin and Moissac, at the Saint-Antonin market and at the leisure center. by Monclar. This joint operation, set up by the Prefecture, Grand Montauban and the Regional Health Agency in partnership with the Red Cross, firefighters (SDIS) and Civil Protection, looked like a reminder for traders and their clients. “The objective is to remind people of the importance of barrier gestures and of wearing a mask,” relates Olivier Combes, responsible for city policy and the local health contract for Grand Montauban. People are told about the first signs of contamination. and where they can be tested. We must at all costs avoid slackening. “

Several volunteers were scattered around the market for a distribution of hydroalcoholic gel or masks if necessary. “Overall, the barrier gestures and instructions are respected despite the constraint. There are still some received ideas that die hard, but the vast majority are careful”, concludes Olivier Combes.

This presence on the Lalaque market was rather well received, like Lisa Valadié, market gardener from Dieupentale. “It’s a very good idea. It could perhaps have been done earlier, especially since in the first markets, wearing a mask was not compulsory. People follow the instructions, but it is a more…”

The operation could be renewed soon, on the Saturday market in Montauban for example.

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