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Mont Valérien degraded by an anti-sanitary pass inscription. Many reactions of indignation.

The monument to the memory of French resistance fighters and WWII fighters at Mont Valérien in Suresnes was vandalized last night. You can read a long anti-sanitary pass inscription with the 2 “ss” of the SS acronym. This tag has aroused many political reactions.

Mont Valérien, a monument to the memory of the resistance fighters and French fighters of the Second World War, was vandalized overnight from Sunday to Monday by an inscription “Anti Pass”, with the two “s” drawn to resemble the acronym SS .

This inscription on the Memorial of Fighting France, inaugurated by General de Gaulle in 1960 in Suresnes in the Hauts-de-Seine, is 50 meters long, the police said.

The degradation of this monument has aroused many political reactions. As of this morning, Geneviève Darrieussecq, the Minister Delegate for Memory and Veterans Affairs announced that she wanted to file a complaint. “I am revolted. No cause justifies touching this unique place in our national #memory. It’s unforgivable“, she wrote in a tweet.

The President of the Republic also reacted on twitter.

The Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly also denounced this desecration.
To attack Mont Valérien is to attack our national memory. To attack our national memory is to crack the cement of the Republic. Nothing excuses neither stupidity nor hatred“, she wrote.

The prefect of Hauts-de-Seine also condemned “these unworthy degradations of this place symbol of resistant and fighting France

The police forces are mobilized to identify and find the perpetrators,” the prefecture said.

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