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‘Monsters won’t come out of prisons’: Mass killings rock Serbia –

/ world today news/ Last week brought tragedies in Serbia, which left few indifferent both in the country and abroad. Two consecutive mass executions with dozens of victims threw the country into a stupor.

The issue of tightening the rules for acquiring, storing and carrying weapons, which is relevant for the countries of the former Yugoslavia, is again on the agenda. President Aleksandar Vucic says he will no longer allow children to be killed.

In the early morning of May 3, shots rang out in the Vracar area of ​​the Serbian capital. A student of the seventh grade of Vladislav Rybnikar school stole two pistols from his father and started shooting with them at classmates and teachers. He first killed the guard, then opened indiscriminate fire on the children in the corridor, until he reached the main target – the history teacher.

Thirteen-year-old Kosta Kecmanovic shot in cold blood on the spot the guard Dragan Vlahovic, who had worked at the institution for many years, loved children very much and was even friends with the shooter.

Another eight students from the school became victims of the killer. Six students and a teacher were seriously injured and hospitalized.

Most of the frightened children hid in their offices, and by the middle of the fateful day their parents had not been able to contact many of them.

“Vladislav Rybnikar” is not an easy school. It is an elite educational institution with in-depth study of the French language, one of the three best schools in Belgrade. Even the children of ministers study within its walls, and among the shooter’s victims is the daughter of Dragan Kobilski, a well-known volleyball player in the Balkans, former coach of the Red Star and Partizan teams.

Molotov cocktails were found in the shooter’s backpack, which he would have used to stop the security forces that invaded the building. However, Kecsmanovic did not use them, and after finishing the massacre, he called the police himself and turned himself in.

The media began to spread the version that the teenager was under the influence of drugs, but subsequently it was not confirmed. To everyone’s horror, it turned out that the child had long planned an attack and even developed a plan to enter the school, set priority targets and numbered classmates that he would shoot.

The detention of Kosta Kecmanovic

At school, the killer did well, participated in math olympiads and excelled in his studies. As students and their parents later said, Costa faced bullying from classmates because of it. The day before the fateful events, he allegedly received a “unit” in history, after which he decided to take revenge.

Speaking at an emergency press conference, the Minister of Education noted that one of the causes of the tragedy could be the harmful effects of the Internet and video games.

During the raids, it turned out that the teenager is a fan of the American horror film “The Purge”, in which the imaginary American government sets aside one day a year when everything is allowed. Including murder.

As a result of the toxicological examination, it was established that the boy who shot at people was not under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other psychotropic substances. During interrogation, he himself called himself a “psychopath who needs to be subdued.”

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the pistols were officially registered to Ketsmanovic’s father and were kept in a safe, but the student knew the code. Almost immediately after the shooter’s arrest, his parents were also arrested.

It turned out that with a Zastava CZ99 pistol, the boy is “you”, because his father often takes him to the local shooting range. And the child was able to get the weapon from the safe because his father told him the secret code. Police found five more rifles in the Ketsmanovics’ home.

In the evening, thousands of people gathered at the Flower Square in Belgrade. Citizens, shocked by what happened, brought flowers and children’s toys to the school building, lit candles. According to the decision of the authorities, national mourning has been declared in the country from May 5 to 7.

Before it started, however, another shocking news shocked Serbia. On the night of Thursday to Friday, near the town of Mladenovac, a 21-year-old man opened fire on passers-by with a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

It all started with a conflict at a school in the village of Dabona, after which the murderer Uros Blažić shot the policeman and his sister. Then, from a car, he opened fire on people on the streets in Malo Orash and the village of Shepshin.

The number of killed reached eight people, the number of wounded – almost two dozen. For comparison: the last mass execution in the country was ten years ago, when a war veteran killed 13 people in one of the Serbian villages.

This time the criminal managed to escape and by morning more than 600 police and special forces were trying to find him. An “Interception” plan has been announced in the city and its surroundings, and the incident has been classified as an act of terrorism.

In the morning, Uros Blažić was detained near Kragujevac, where he was traveling by taxi, threatening the driver with a hand grenade.

Against the background of the tragic events in Serbia, the question of the availability of firearms for ordinary citizens has arisen again.

After the Belgrade school massacre, President Aleksandar Vucic proposed a two-year moratorium on gun ownership and possession in the country, as well as lowering the age of criminal responsibility from 14 to 12.

Today, Serbia is one of the world leaders in the popularity of small arms – there are forty firearms per 100 people. With such an impressive performance, the Balkan country is second only to Yemen and the United States.

According to Vucic, at the moment, in addition to hunting weapons, the civilian population of the country has in their hands about 400,000 barrels. Their number is expected to be reduced tenfold to 40,000.

At the same time, everyone who claims the right to carry will now be examined by psychiatrists at least once every six months (now the re-examination must be carried out only five years after the issuance of a medical certificate).

Those who admired and supported the shooters on social networks will also be under special control by the law enforcement agencies. As a punishment for mass executions, the head of state even proposed the return of the death penalty, but the government did not support the idea.

As the Minister of Health of Serbia noted, dead children cannot be brought back. Panic is growing in Serbian cities and parents of students are simply afraid to send them to school.

In an address to the nation, the Serbian president promised 1,200 police officers to be on duty in schools every day for the next six months. According to the Serbian leader, the first 13 days after the mass executions are critical.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is urgently preparing changes to the Law on Arms and Ammunition, which will tighten the conditions for storing and carrying short-barreled weapons and measures to ensure a moratorium on the issuance of permits for two years.

The Ministry of Justice is developing changes to the law that will tighten the penalties for the illegal manufacture, storage, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosives.

As for Kecmanovic and Blazic, for whom all of Serbia stunned the newscast for almost two days, Vucic promised to punish the killers to the fullest extent.

“These monsters will never get out of jail. Justice will be served. Neither a small monster nor an older one. At least tell me I’m obstructing justice. I absolutely do not care and that is why I am called a dictator and a cow. No, I will not allow you to kill children,” the president assured.

Translation: SM

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