Home » Technology » “Monster Hunter Wilds” adds “Arachnophobia Mode”! Replace all appearances with slime

“Monster Hunter Wilds” adds “Arachnophobia Mode”! Replace all appearances with slime

<img class="caas-img has-preview" alt="(Image source: Monster Hunter Wilds)” src=”https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/Sz6MKqJnMvvY1tBWotYF4Q–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTU0MA–/https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2024-10/da9d2eb0-95b8-11ef-a7f5-bc9177741a5b”/>

(Source:Monster Hunter Wilds/X@INSIDEjp edited and synthesized)

Capcom at”monster hunter“Monster Hunter Wilds”, a new game in the series, will be confirmed this weekend PS5 players who subscribe to PS Plus can enter early today. Many players have also discovered the various thoughtful helpful functions that Capcom provided in “Monster Hunter Wilds”, including “Arachnophobia Mode“, which replaces the spiders with slimes !

Capcom has been very careful about the accessibility features of its games over the years, whether it’s visual adjustments for color blindness, audio support for the visually impaired, text support for the hearing impaired, etc. Even the “arachnophobia method” supported by more and more games in Europe and the United States in recent years For some people, they are not just afraid of spiders spiders around them attacks can last for several days in serious cases.

In this regard, Capcom has also added “Arachnophobia Mode” to “Monster Hunter Wilderness”. this will not affect the difficulty or difficulty of the game.

Although the changed appearance is not clearly stated in the scenario, it is actually changed from a spider or green slime-like insect, completely reducing the fear to 0 (unless slime phobia you have), people cannot feel that this is originally. spider

But some people are unsure that the “Arachnophobia” that appeared in the PV of “Monster Hunter Wilds” should not be changed. to move

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