Carlos Cordero/Quadratin Mexico
MEXICO CITY, November 19, 2022.- From the ring of the Arena México, the fighter for national reconciliation, Monri, the Indomitable, called to eliminate the “poison of polarization”, recognize the country’s plurality and build an inclusive and prosperous Mexico, with social justice and equal opportunities.
In front of 16,000 people from various states of the country, Senator Ricardo Monreal Ávila, (Monri, the Indomitable as he was christened by the professional wrestlers who gave him his mask) this Saturday launched his government plan to carry out a better and stronger country, because he warned the divided one, Mexico is in battle against itself and whose inhabitants fight against each other, it cannot advance.
Faced with a decisive moment for the entire Republic, he declared: “we are not opposing groups”, but citizens who want our country not to be “overwhelmed by divisions and rancor”, because we are a people of values, respect, intelligence and creativity; “that nothing and no one shrinks us”.
The complete note in Mexican square