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Monkeypox Transmission and Risks: What You Need to Know

Saturday, 28 October 2023 – 09:33 WIB

VIVA – Skin and genital specialist from RSUD Dr. Moewardi, Dr. Prasetyadi Mawardi, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV, said that transmission monkeypox (monkeypox) is slower when compared with chicken pox (chicken pox) which can spread very quickly.

The doctor who currently serves as Chair of Education and Professional Division II at the Association of Dermatology and Venereology Specialists (Perdoski), Prasetyadi, said that the public should not be too worried about the emergence of cases of monkey pox because the risk of transmission is relatively low.

Illustration of monkey pox/monkeypox.

“So that there is no public concern, it needs to be explained that even though it is called an infectious disease, the risk of monkeypox transmission is not easy,” said Prasetyadi, quoted from Between Friday, October 27 2023.

Apart from that, Prasetyadi explained further, the death rate due to mpox or monkey pox is also relatively low, not even 1 percent.

If someone who has a strong immune system is attacked by monkey pox, he will most likely recover on his own. He said, the spread of monkey pox is greatly influenced by the strength of the community’s immune system.

Prasetyadi also emphasized that all cases of monkey pox found in Indonesia currently originate from local transmission, with the majority of cases in Jakarta.

Monkeypox or monkey pox

Reported by the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), as of Thursday (26/10), there were 14 active cases of monkey pox in Indonesia.

Not only that, the Ministry of Health also recorded 17 cases whose results were negative, two cases which were still in the probable category and required further examination, and nine cases which were in the suspect category.

Meanwhile, the number of people who have received the monkeypox vaccine to date is 157 people, or around 31.72% of the total target of 477 people.

2023-10-28 02:33:02
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