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Monkeypox Suspected Case in Central Lombok: Symptoms, Transmission, and Prevention

LombokPost–A woman in Jonggat District, Central Lombok (Loteng) is suspected of having monkeypox (Monkeypox).

Hearing this issue, Mataram City did not panic too much. “It’s still a suspect. “It’s not certain that you have monkey pox,” said the Head of the Mataram City Health Service (Dikes), Dr. Usman Hadi.

To confirm this, the Central Lombok Health Department (Loteng) has sent samples to a laboratory in Surabaya. To determine whether you have really been exposed to the monkey pox virus or not. “It’s not clear yet,” he explained.

From the information that has emerged, women who are suspected of having the disease have the same symptoms as monkey pox.

For example, festering pimples appear on the surface of the skin.

Usman said that the symptoms of people infected with monkey pox include a hot body temperature, weakness, dizziness, and small spots appearing on their skin. ”

“Therefore, it is necessary to check,” he said.

If anyone experiences such symptoms, they are asked to seek treatment immediately. Come to the nearest health center or hospital.

“So that it is handled immediately,” he explained.

Transmission of monkey pox can occur directly. So, if you suffer from these symptoms, you must isolate yourself immediately after treatment.

“If necessary, it is better to isolate in hospital. “So that the treatment process is more optimal and speeds up healing,” he said.

The impact of suffering from monkey pox can result in death. Moreover, there are people who already suffer from complications.

“The sufferer can die when the body’s immunity is low. “Not to mention the addition of pre-existing illnesses, resulting in quite a big risk,” he said.

From data from the Ministry of Health, 29 cases of Monkey Pox were found. However, until now none have been found in Mataram.

“No one has been affected in Mataram,” he said.

2023-11-12 15:34:00
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