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Monkeypox: New York and San Francisco declare states of emergency

To date, more than 28,000 cans have been shipped to New York State and 8,200 cans to San Francisco.

In both New York and San Francisco, however, the demand for the vaccine is significantly greater than the supply, and long queues formed in front of the vaccination centers.

Two deaths in Spain

The first two deaths in Europe are now being reported from Spain. News of the first death came on Friday evening, followed by the second on Saturday. Both were reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the EU Commission, the Ministry of Health wrote.

According to the regional authorities responsible, the first case was registered in the Valencia region, in the east, and the second in Andalusia, in the south of the country. Both patients had been hospitalized with encephalitis caused by the infection. The WHO has so far reported five deaths in the current monkeypox outbreak – all in Africa.

The Health Ministry of the Region of Valencia said the patient’s death there was “caused by an infection-related encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).” The case will be further “analyzed to definitively confirm the cause”. The regional newspaper Levante wrote on Saturday that it was a “man of about 40 years old” who was in intensive care in a hospital in the city of Alicante.

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