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Monkeypox: Minsa approved vaccination technical standard and established enforcement provisions

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) approved the technical health standard that establishes the “safe, voluntary and free” vaccine to “protect the life and health of the population most affected” by the coronavirus monkeypox.

With Ministerial Resolution no. 193-MINSA / DGIESP-2022, published yesterday in the extraordinary edition of the Official Gazette A Peruvian manthe health sector has established the implementing provisions for the vaccination against the disease.

fields of application

The aforementioned rule, “mandatory obligations”, provides administrative guidelines for health workers, institutions and biological units of the Minsa related to vaccination, regional health departments and health structures, “in planning, execution, evaluation, supervision and coordination of actions relating to vaccination at national level “.

In this sense, there are two types of preventive application: pre-exposure vaccination and the post-exposure vaccination. The first refers to people “undergoing AIDS” or “who are not receiving antiretroviral treatment”, as well as “people with risky sexual behavior”.

With regard to the latter group, the law provides that priority will be given to the “population of men who have sexual relations with other men, transgender women and prostitutes”.

in vaccination pre-exposure Also included will be “health personnel who directly handle the monkeypox samples”.

In turn, vaccination post-exposure It will be aimed at people “who have had direct professional or sexual contact” “with a confirmed case of monkeypox and who are at high risk of complications”. In this regard, it is specified that it will be administered “up to 4 days after contact with the confirmed case”.

On the other hand, the Sometimes He stressed that “the population allocation of people living with HIV and key populations to be vaccinated” will be carried out “according to the nominal register of the health institution where they are treated”.

Likewise, the ministry specified that the supply of vaccines and syringes for compliance with the standard, as well as the resources for operating expenses correspond “to the regional governments and DIRIS of the Lima metro”.

Almost 3 thousand infections throughout Peru

Until the last Friday 13 October, however, the Minsa reported that the number of cases of monkeypox in Peru it rose to 2,820, 35 more infections than in the previous report.

According to the institution, the cases are distributed in 19 regions, with the metropolis Lima being the one with the highest number of cases (2,189), while others affected are also found in the provinces of Lima (34), Callao (190), La Libertad (132), Arequipa (116), Piura (26) and Lambayeque (24).

The Ministry of Health noted that there are cases of the disease also in Ucayali (19), Ica (16), San Martín (14), Cusco (14), Loreto (11), Tacna (10), Áncash (6), Madre de Dios (6), Junín (5), Huánuco (3 ), Cajamarca (2) and Puno (1).

Up until that report, 2,500 patients had been discharged, while there are 320 people who are still under medical supervision, according to the Sometimes through their social networks.

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