Home » today » Health » Monkeypox in Peru: vaccination begins on Monday 7 November in Lima and Callao | people with HIV | VIDEO | Jynneos | Nordic Bavarian | Minsa | RMN | PERU

Monkeypox in Peru: vaccination begins on Monday 7 November in Lima and Callao | people with HIV | VIDEO | Jynneos | Nordic Bavarian | Minsa | RMN | PERU

The Ministry of Health () reported this Saturday that vaccination against starts on Monday 7 November in Lima and Callao. The first batch of 5,600 “Jynneos” vaccines from the Danish Bavarian Nordic laboratory, which arrived in Peru on 27 October, will be used to start this inoculation process.

Carlos Benites, executive director of Sexually Transmitted Disease Control, explained in a dialogue with Canal N that it is monkeypox vaccination it is for vulnerable and high-risk people to develop a serious illness.

READ ALSO: Minsa transfers more than 3 million S / 3 to PAHO to acquire monkeypox vaccines

He explained that the application of the vaccine against monkeypox, In this first step, you will start with the people with HIV and will receive two doses 28 days apart (4 weeks). The person who will be previously vaccinated will have to sign an informed consent.

Benites recalled that the the arrival of the batch will make it possible to apply 28,000 doses to approximately 14,000 people at increased risk of this disease.

We will begin the vaccination process on Monday 7th November. In principle, at this stage, starting with the population most affected by this disease, which are the people living with HIV, and initially focusing on the regions that have reported the highest cases of monkeypox, which are the metropolises Lima and Callao.he remarked.

Vaccination against monkeypox begins on Monday 7 November in Lima and Callao

S people with HIV they are the ones who are frequently hospitalized due to complications. Therefore, it is the first group to be protected in the country. The second group as this process progresses are people who have risk behaviors for acquiring STIs. Here give priority to the group of men who have sex with men, to transgender women and to the group of prostitutes “He added.

Asked what the registry of citizens vaccinated against monkeypox will look like to keep a record, the Minsa spokesperson stressed: “We have a number of health facilities across the country where these people are seen on a regular basis. They are generally large city hospitals, but also health centers and that is where people will receive the vaccination“.

READ ALSO: Highly effective Monkeypox vaccine, US claims

As with other vaccines, there will be a registry and a vaccination card will be issued so that there is an adequate record of the whole process. 14,000 people will benefit from these doses”Added Dr Benites.

These more than 5,000 doses are part of a total of 9,800 doses purchased for the country. The the second delivery of the monkeypox vaccines, 4,200 doses, is scheduled for November 16, 2022. “With these new vaccines in November we will be able to benefit ten thousand more peopleThe official added.

The arrival of the doses against the monkeypox correspond to the coordination carried out by the Peruvian government with the Revolving Fund of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

A latest report from Minsa informed this Thursday, November 3, that confirmed cases rose to 2,988 of the disease monkeypox in Peru.

Where will people with HIV be vaccinated against monkeypox?

vaccination for this first group (people with HIV) It will be carried out in the treatment and reference centers for sexually transmitted infections and HIV (Cerits), in the antiretroviral treatment centers (ART centers) and in the periodic medical care units (UAMPS) of health facilities.

What will happen to other vulnerable groups?

According to a vaccination schedule and vaccine availability, other groups to be vaccinated will be included, such as eg people with risky sexual behaviors (multiple sexual partners or sex with casual partners), which gives priority to the population of men who have sex with men (MCH), transgender women (TM) and prostitutes (TS).

Likewise, to health personnel who directly process monkeypox samples and other populations considered by the National Health Authority. Similarly, a people who have had direct contact (includes occupational exposure or sexual contact) with a confirmed case of monkeypox and who are at high risk of complications.


Monkeypox in Peru: the profile of infected people, the sources of transmission and everything that is known about the vaccine
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, its highest alert level. What is the current situation of this disease in Peru? In this video, César Munayco, director of the CDC of Minsa expands this panorama for us.

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