About a hundred people have been vaccinated against it moor trout in our territory. The doctor reports on it Alessandra Grapplesdirector of Hygiene and Public Health of the Local Health Authority of Piacenza, an interview with Telelibertà to clarify this viral disease. “The Ministry of Health has issued a new circular that reports warning signs of this epidemic, which will mainly affect Africa, but which must attention also at the local level” explained Rampini.
In the Piacenza region, the first cases of monkeypox were recorded in 2022, with seven infections. “In 2023 no case happened, and this year we found two, but it’s still an issue Various shores 2the least contagious,” he said.
Rampini emphasizes that “here is a appropriate level of scrutiny and, above all, learn about it proper behavior to follow“. Symptoms of chickenpox include high fever, bone and joint pain, fatigue, the appearance of red patches and rashes similar to those of chickenpox. Often there is swelling in the lymph nodes and the areas most affected by contact, ie generations outside and the surrounding areaagainbecause the disease is mostly sexually transmitted.”
The doctor also warns that you should be careful when you travel, especially for those who work sex tourism. Rampini also clarifies that “the vaccination recommended for those with dangerous behavior, such asfree love without special care. Immunized people can also be vaccinated, it is free, and you can contact the Local Health Authority of Piacenza, where the staff maintains professional confidentiality”.
2024-08-21 00:46:00
#Monkeypox #vaccinations #Piacenza #Covid #Freedom