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Monkey Pox Outbreak Hits DKI Jakarta: Symptoms, Transmission, and Preventive Measures

(ILLUSTRATION) Monkey pox.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG — Cases of monkey pox (monkeypox) in DKI Jakarta increased. Ten people have tested positive as of Tuesday (24/10/2023). People in West Java (Jabar) are asked to be aware of the potential spread of the disease.

Head of the West Java Provincial Health Service (Dinkes), Raden Vini Adiani Dewi, said that the public was asked to be alert because monkey pox can be easily transmitted. “The problem is that transmission is easy. That is, it can be done easily droplet sufferers, it could be from direct touch, it could also be from dry skin, yes, after it breaks it can spread,” he said, Tuesday (24/10/2023).

Vini said there were a number of symptoms of monkey pox. Such as high fever and the appearance of red spots containing fluid on several parts of the body. “The symptoms are like a high fever. It keeps appearing at first, it looks like chicken pox, right? So, it starts as a red spot, then becomes a papule. “It’s just that these papules will become hard with smallpox,” he said.

Due to the ease of transmission of the monkey pox virus, Vini asked the public to take anticipatory measures, such as maintaining personal hygiene. “So, you must maintain cleanliness, especially after traveling from outside the area,” he said.

If you experience symptoms like monkey pox, Vini appealed to residents to immediately carry out mitigation and check themselves at a health facility. “To anticipate the community, if for example someone is sick, it’s better to stay at home because we don’t know able to “What’s wrong with the disease or not, and seek treatment at a health facility,” he said.

2023-10-24 16:33:15
#West #Java #Residents #Asked #Aware #Monkey #Pox #Health #Department #Easy #Contagious #Republika #Online

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