Home » today » News » Monkey pox alert – Unpleasant memories awakened by international announcements about the Mpox virus – 2024-08-22 04:21:23

Monkey pox alert – Unpleasant memories awakened by international announcements about the Mpox virus – 2024-08-22 04:21:23

Memories of the first 24 hours of the beginning of the Covid pandemic are awakened by the announcements and health measures taken by countries worldwide to limit the spread of the Mpox virus (a viral infection previously known as monkey pox).

Despite the fact that experts are quick to emphasize that the transmission of this virus is by no means as easy as SARS-CoV-2, the health authorities after the spread of Mpox inside and outside Africa are called by the World Health Organization (WHO) to increase preparedness levels to contain it.

European countries raised the level of alert for its spread from “low” to “moderate”, as the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) decided to follow the direction given by the WHO when it declared a global emergency in the middle of the week for health on the spread of the disease in Africa and beyond.

Small chances

The ECDC, among other things, asked countries to maintain high levels of information about travelers coming from areas affected by the virus, while announcing that the possibility of transmission in Europe remains very low, given that imported infections are quickly diagnosed and control measures are implemented .

The WHO’s decision on Pox (it is the second time it has sounded the alarm about this disease in two years) was made based on epidemiological data in Africa, where 38,465 cases (1,456 deaths) have been recorded in 16 countries Africa from January 2022, while this year there is a 160% increase in cases compared to the previous year. The strain of the virus responsible for the WHO decision is Clade 1b, which is more deadly and more easily transmitted than the previous ones. If someone is infected with Clade 1b, they can develop skin rashes all over the body, whereas with previous strains the rashes were limited to the mouth, face or genitals.

ECDC took the decision

to raise the level of alarm after the first case of the disease (specifically the Clade 1b strain) was recorded in Sweden. For its part, China has announced measures to control the arrival of people and goods from countries with a Pox outbreak.

There is no worry

In our country so far there is no concern about the spread of the viral infection and the risk remains at low levels. Despite all this, EODY proceeded to inform the public and raise the awareness of health personnel, in the context of early diagnosis and information of the public health authorities.

Vaccination against smallpox has started since July 22, 2024 at Attikon and “Andreas Syggros” hospitals, while in the next period five more vaccination centers are to operate in other major cities, namely in Thessaloniki, Alexandroupoli, Crete, Patras and Athens. At the same time, in order to ensure laboratory diagnosis, a network of laboratories (KEDY, PEDY of Crete, AUTH) operates which, if deemed necessary, is to be strengthened.

Which are the high-risk groups for which vaccination is indicated?

Vaccination is indicated for high-risk groups such as:

• Men who have sex with men (MSM), men who have sex with men and women, and transgender people. Especially if they have a recent history of multiple sexual partners (more than five) or have been infected with a sexually transmitted disease (at least one) in the last three months.

Health professionals who work in areas with a high risk of exposure to the smallpox virus (e.g. laboratories, special units).

• People who have been in close physical contact with a confirmed case of the smallpox virus, within four to 14 days after exposure, as long as they have not developed symptoms, regardless of gender, and finally people who have frequent and close contact with previous categories. According to the EODY, among the people who belong to the above categories, the vaccination of the immunosuppressed is particularly important. Citizens who are going to travel to countries with recorded cases should be especially careful, taking increased precautionary measures. They should avoid contact with people who may be infected and especially those with skin lesions, with wild animals (live or dead) such as small mammals, including rodents (rats, squirrels) and primates (monkeys, monkeys), with infected surfaces and items used by patients (clothing, bedding, etc.) or that have come into contact with wild animals.

They should also avoid eating or preparing meat from wild animals, the use of products (creams, lotions, powders) derived from wild animals and seek immediate medical attention in the event of an unexplained skin rash (damages on any part of the body) with or without fever and chills.

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