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monkey plays a video game with a chip implemented in his brain

On YouTube Curious videos continue to be published that increasingly attract the attention of any user.

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Recently the American company Neuralink, of which the owner of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, is the founder, published a video in which a monkey with a chip implanted in the brain appears playing a video game that he controls from the mind.

In the three-and-a-half-minute footage shown on YouTube, the nine-year-old macaque Pager plays a version of the classic video game Pong. In it, it is noted that each time he is right, he receives a banana shake as compensation that is supplied to him through a straw – sorbet.

Through his Twitter account, Musk asserted that the monkey “He’s literally playing the video game telepathically using a brain chip.”

The controversial inventor had already announced earlier this year in a chat on the ClubHouse video social network that his company had a monkey with a wireless implant in his skull. Who was with small cables and who could play video games with his mind. However, the images did not come to light until now.

According to what was indicated by the renowned businessman, the animal “is not uncomfortable” and your goal is to see if you can get the monkeys to mentally play Pong against each other. This, as part of his research to develop a wireless brain-device interface.


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A few months ago, the Neuralink company successfully tested a chip in some pigs that, implanted in the skull, made it possible to measure brain activity in animals.

According to its founder, among the potential capabilities of the technology investigated by Neuralink is drive a Tesla car with thought, playing video games, saving and replaying memories, or walking people with spinal cord damage again.

Finally, he emphasized that in the short term Neuralink can “solve brain / spinal injuries.” While in the long term, it could achieve a “human / artificial intelligence symbiosis”.

The video was published on the company’s channel exactly on April 8 and already has more than five million views. In addition, it has already generated a large number of impressions among users, where what mainly stands out is the amazement behind the monkey’s dexterity.

Without a doubt, the richest person in the world will continue to give something to talk about in the coming days. Either in a new presentation on YouTube, social networks or press conferences.

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