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Monitoring and Recommendations for Ionizing Radiation in Lithuania’s Nuclear Accident Preparedness

As stated in the RSC press release, specialists constantly monitor the measurement data provided by the Lithuanian Radiological Early Warning System (RADIS) and would immediately inform the responsible institutions and the population about the increase in ionizing radiation in Lithuania and provide recommendations on when and what protective measures should be applied in the event of a nuclear accident in neighboring areas. in nuclear power plants of the states.

RSC reminds that the Zaporozhye NPP is more than 900 km away from Lithuania, therefore, following the recommendations of international organizations and the experience of previous nuclear accidents, if accidents occur at the Zaporozhye NPP due to military actions, Lithuania would not have a significant radiological impact and there would be no need to apply protective measures, such as hiding, evacuation, taking potassium iodide tablets.

Also, as reported by the RSC, radioactive iodine can only be released into the environment in the event of nuclear accidents in operating reactors, and currently all reactors at the Zaporozhye NPP are shut down.

RSC encourages residents to trust the information and recommendations provided by state institutions.

We remind you that radiation background data provided by Radioactive Early Warning System (RADIS) stations in Lithuania can be monitored by every resident at this link

More information on preparedness for a nuclear or radiological emergency can be found at:

• Emergency preparedness site www.lt72.lt

• In the “What you need to know about preparing for a nuclear accident?” section of the website of the Center for Radiation Protection.

• The publication “The Dangers of a Nuclear Weapon Explosion: Tips for Handling”

• The publication “How to act when a “dirty bomb” explodes?”. • In interactive e-learning about ionizing radiation – www.radiacija.eu

• Publication “Recommendations for residents: what to do in case of a nuclear or radiological accident?”

2023-07-04 18:32:00

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