“When you have to think of a birthday present for someone who buys everything himself, but can never buy one thing, this image came to mind,” Monique writes with the photo. You can see how André Hazes smiles at the camera together with his father and son. A special image, because grandpa, son and grandson can never be in a photo together in real life. “All three connected by blood, genes and name,” Monique continues with the photo. “So father and son always have something to look at, which in reality remains an unfulfilled wish.”
The images that André places in his Instagram Stories show that he celebrated his birthday in intimate company in a restaurant in Amsterdam. Folk singer Mike Peterson performs and André swings on the song together with little Dré Uptown Funk from Bruno Mars.
The interview that André last week in a woman left many questions unanswered. Aran Bade asked those pressing questions, such as about the inheritance case, to the singer after the broadcast: