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Monforte and Ordes at maximum level of restrictions | Radio Galicia

Galicia will once again have concellos at the maximum level of restrictions on Saturday, will be the case of Orders in the province of A Coruña and of Monforte de Lemos in that of Lugo. In both, the hotel industry must remain closed indoors and the terraces are 50% occupied, the capacity rises to 75% in the case of nightlife establishments.

The high incidence of covid-19 in both municipalities, 1,400 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Ordes and almost 1,000 in Monforte, “is slowing down the expected decline “ in the community as a whole, as reported after the clinical committee by the councilor for Health, Julio García Comesaña. The Xunta attributes the rise in recent days to private parties related to the weekend of August 15.

The rest of the restriction map includes 30 high-level councils, the majority in the province of A Coruña, in the case of Fisterra, Cee, Betanzos or Laxe, although there are also a good number in Lugo, such as those of Rábade, Sober or Saviñao.

In the case of Pontevedra, there are two municipalities in high level, those of Ponte Caldelas and that of Cerdedo-Cotobade where the PPdeG celebrates this Sunday the traditional act with which the political course starts each year. The party has the presence of the popular president, Pablo Casado and Alberto Núñez Feijoo. “Ssure of what the PP will do that act under the conditions that are marked and that they govern in all the municipalities, as it cannot be of another way “, affirmed Comesaña asked about this event.

At the medium level, another 55 municipalities will remain as of Saturday, including all the Galician cities.

The clinical committee also analyzed the progress of the vaccination campaign that continues to advance and that this week reaches the group of adolescents between 12 and 16 years old.

78% of the target population already has the complete pattern. Julio Garcia Comesaña sent a message of gratitude to the minors who are flocking to get vaccinated. 33,000 kids so far this week, with a high percentage of vaccination, 80% of those mentioned.

Now is the shift of pregnant women they have not yet received the puncture. An appeal is going to be made for them to get vaccinated. Sanidade will get in touch with your primary care physicians to urge them to inform them of the safety of the vaccination.

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