Home » today » Business » Moneta confirmed information from KB regarding dividends – payment of max. 3.02 K compared to the originally estimated 3.3 K

Moneta confirmed information from KB regarding dividends – payment of max. 3.02 K compared to the originally estimated 3.3 K

Moneta vera veer confirmed the morning information from Komern Bank, e NB continued maximln vi
dividend as none of the following values:

– 100 basis points of total asset risk as at 31 December 2020,

– 25% of the cumulative profit for years 2019 a 2020,

– the volume of funds, after their payment, the capital adequacy would be 4 percent above the overall capital requirement,

– the volume of funds, after their payment, the adjusted ratio would be found to be 7 percent.
The adjusted leverage ratio is the leverage ratio, where exposures from the Czech National Bank are excluded from the total exposure for the debt ratio.

In the stated values ​​will be determined on the basis of audited as a result for years 2019 a 2020. Moneta will be requirements NB reflect and field j svj nvrh dividends until the end of the run.

We estimate point 1 as the main restrictive factor and then that Moneta could pay a maximum of 3.02
K/ share, slightly below our original estimate of 3.3 K/ share. Let us remember that the requirements NB were on the market znm ji vera.

Thomas Unger

esk spoitelna is a bank with the longest traditions on the esk market. For 200 years, it has been one of the basic pillars of the Czech banking system. It currently provides services to piblin 4.7 million clients. Since 2000, it has been part of the multinational financial group Erste Group Bank.

See information on: www.csas.cz

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