Home » today » World » Monedero: «Let us not demand from Venezuela what we do not demand from any other country» – 2024-08-02 15:57:27

Monedero: «Let us not demand from Venezuela what we do not demand from any other country» – 2024-08-02 15:57:27


Political science professor and former leader of the Spanish Podemos party, Juan Carlos Monedero, gave an interview to Sputnik in which he discussed the political situation in Venezuela following the presidential elections in that country, in which President Nicolás Maduro emerged victorious, according to official results.

Known for his deep knowledge of Venezuelan internal politics, Monedero analyzed the recent electoral process in Venezuelahighlighting the complexity of the nation’s political and economic conditions, affected by the economic sanctions by the United States and its allies.
“I found it very spectacular that, despite having sanctions and an economic blockade, government [de Nicolás Maduro] “I have agreed to hold elections because you do them with one arm tied behind your back,” says the political scientist.
“The race is going on in a deeply unfavorable way and with enormous inequality of conditions that invalidates the basic principles of a liberal democracy. However, Nicolás Maduro decided to go to the elections and that honors him,” said Monedero.
Despite these adversities, Monedero considered that the elections took place normally.
Instead, the opposition, he said, tried to create a media scandal to weaken the Maduro government. «On election day, María Corina Machado called what we in Spain know well during the period when terrorism was alive, what was called there the Street fightpolitical motivation in the downfall of Nicolás Maduro’s government, resulting in some deaths, destruction of hospitals, buses, and polling stations,” he added.
Monedero stressed the importance of solidarity and mutual support among the progressive governments of the region: “In all Latin American countries, The policy on Venezuela is domestic policy“It is not foreign policy, which is surprising. And that is because the demonized artifact has been built, just as was done in Allende’s Chile, just before the coup,” he explained.
“I think the Colombian foreign minister has gone too far in saying that the world has to give its opinion. What do you mean, the world has to give its opinion? What does Colombia think about the elections in the United States? Has Colombia said anything about Donald Trump’s demand that the governor of Georgia invent 10,000 votes? That he took him to court. Did Colombia say anything? No,” the expert commented.
«So, let’s be serious about this and not demand from Venezuela what we don’t demand from any other country, because if we do, we are putting ourselves on the side, unwillingly and without belonging to that gang, of the Milei, of the illegitimate government of Peru. This is something that some people don’t understand; I told them this the other day in a message on Twitter to Gabriel Boricwith whom I have a very cordial relationship, that everything they do to Venezuela will later be done to them,” Monedero said.

The former leader of Podemos highlighted the role of governments such as that of Lopez Obrador in Mexico, which has shown common sense in its stance regarding Venezuela. “The López Obrador government, which is a consolidated government, which has just won the next six-year term with Claudia Sheinbaum by 30%, has said the right things,” said Monedero.

Monedero warned against the naivety of underestimating the power of social networks and suggested the need for public control over them. “First, we cannot be naive. They are always several lengths ahead of us. When we were thinking that elections were won on television, [ahora] “They are largely earned on the networks,” he said.
He also criticized the influence of figures such as Elon Musk y Mark Zuckerberg on social media, suggesting that Information should be treated as a public good“It cannot be that Elon Musk, being a millionaire and an oligarch, buys Twitter, changes its name and gives it the name X, and dedicates 45 million a month to Donald Trump, 45 million a month he is giving to Donald Trump’s campaign!” he pointed out.
“We have to achieve platforms where the people really manage them. We have to achieve in terms of communication what has been achieved in terms of culture here in the city of Caracas, as in the Tiuna El Fuerte park. That is, spectacular spaces, self-managed by the people, where there really is a notebook of complaints about things that don’t work,” he said.
«Just as there has been a appVenApp, which indicates where there are problems, such as a pothole in the road, a light bulb that doesn’t work, an unsafe area, and that allows the presidential council to receive it and be able to operate, that’s very spectacular. There are no intermediaries,” added the political scientist.
Regarding the sanctions and their impact on Venezuela, Monedero highlighted the resilience of the Venezuelan people.
“President Nicolás Maduro has said that a new stage must begin, because it is true that there are problems that must be solved, the State must be more efficient, energy problems must be solved, this productive process must continue,” he said.
“It is very surprising to arrive in Venezuela and see that the products that Venezuelans consume are made in Venezuela. That is unprecedented. [Antes] Everything was imported. There is beginning to be a Venezuelan business community that wants to produce in the country and create in the country and that does not want people from outside to come and take away their clientele or their businesses. Sanctions have only served to make this country grow between 4 and 7%.», he noted.
He also pointed out the importance of Venezuela’s invitation to the BRICS as an opportunity for the country in the international arena.
«Venezuela is invited to the BRICS, which is the organization of the future of the world. The European Union is in declineAnd unfortunately, in the hands of the right, the extreme right and sometimes a left that is unaware, the European Union will continue to decline further. The United States is in decline“, he explained.
Finally, Monedero considered that “the Venezuelan people have endured what other people have not endured,” since the society of that country, he said, is aware of the attacks that come from outside through economic sanctions.

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