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Mondragone outbreak, De Luca: “We will make mass tampons”. Seaside resorts: “It’s raining cancellations”

Mondragone (Caserta), June 26, 2020 – The tension remains high a Mondragone. In the area of ​​the former Cirio palaces, which is Monday red area because of 43 coronavirus infections, particularly popular in the Bulgarian community who lives there, in the night he registered the fire of a van who requested the intervention of the fire brigade. Around 2 o’clock the firemen intervened for the fire of a van in Viale Margherita, close to the buildings. The vehicle should be owned by a Bulgarian. From the first investigations it seems that the cause is painful and that an incendiary bottle has been used.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter, Friday 26 June, from the Ministry of Health (since yesterday it is no longer up to Civil Protection)

Following the decision to implement the red zone, yesterday they lived tense hours. Before the violation of the red zone by a dozen people, belonging to the Bulgarian community, who wanted to return to the fields; then the protest demonstration of the Italian inhabitants of Mondragone, with also clashes. A Bulgarian threw a chair from the balcony, Italians responded by throwing stones and breaking through the windows of the parked Bulgarian cars. To manage the situation of great tension, the interior minister Luciana Lamorgese sent a contingent of 50 soldiers to the town. The case exploded because a pregnant Bulgarian woman at a hospital check-up tested positive.

After the fire of the vehicle in the night, an atmosphere of relative calm was experienced in the mini red zone this morning. They also have been track down the four Bulgarians positive that they had violated the red zone, but there are still unconfirmed rumors of other 7-8 positive Bulgarians who would have disappeared from the neighborhood. Bulgarian tenants remained in their homes, overlooking the balconies, as did the Italian ones. The area was sealed with the placement of concrete jersey. There was some tension when an Italian, father of a girl residing in the former Cirio buildings, entered and left the red zone, then was stopped by the military. The mayor Virgilio Pacifico launched an appeal to fellow citizens inviting them to swab the two ASL stations built in Piazza Falcone and Piazza Crocelle.

In fact, after performing more than 730 tampons to people in the buildings, the staff of the ASL of Caserta moved to the two squares to practice citizens’ tests on a voluntary basis.

The governor of Campania De Luca, after visiting Mondragone, he clarified: “At the moment the quarantine obligation remains for everyone who lives in the former Cirio buildings. And for this reason it is essential that the order is strictly respected. We will also solve this emergency”.

De Luca assured: “In a few days we will also do in Mondragone what we have done in other parts of Campania, as for the outbreaks of the Vallo di Diano and Ariano where we made 13 thousand tampons”. Then De Luca recalled that “the Region is making ordinances but it is law enforcement officers to enforce the ordinances and this has not happened in Mondragone “. Live on Fb, the governor of Campania said that the situation with the arrival of the army and other law enforcement agencies has improved, but” the forces are still insufficient because quarantine like it or not like it should last fifteen days. “And he stressed:”No discrimination was made between Bulgarian and Italian citizens, we think of human beings, not nationalities “. De Luca also announced the arrival of a representative of the Bulgarian embassy” to explain well what is happening and that the rules must be respected “.

De Luca insisted: “Campania is one today region with zero contagions net of Mondragone outbreaks. We will go and look for the infections in the coming weeks. Campania is not interested in covering problems, but in solving problems definitively to protect the health and serenity of our citizens. “So”we will make mass swabs where infections occur, “he added.

Guerra (WHO): “Outbreaks like Mondragone are inevitable”

“There is no worry, both outbreaks have been identified and circumscribed. The system holds. ” Rainier War, deputy director of the strategic initiatives of theWHO, speaks to “Agora ‘” on Raitre about the cases of coronavirus a Bologna e Mondragone. “All was widely expected, outbreaks are inevitable – explains Guerra – as is the case in other countries. We must, however, be careful, continue to adopt certain behaviors”.

Zampa (Undersecretary of Health): “Outbreak does not depend on reopening”

“We knew that small outbreaks would occur. This is the reason why, from the Ministry of Health, there has always been an invitation to experts not to send wrong messages to citizens.” The said Undersecretary for Health, Sandra Zampa, during the broadcast ‘L’aria che tira’ on La7. “We didn’t open too early. We opened when it was possible, when we got the targets we had set ourselves,” added Zampa. Now, however, “you cannot let your guard down – said the undersecretary – This means living with the virus. It does not mean closing or returning to generalized fearful situations”. Living with the virus, explained Zampa, “means keeping simple measures: maximum hygiene, mask and physical distance”.
As for the decision on the closure of areas like Mondragone, “no longer touches, and moreover, has never been touched exclusively by the Government. The closure of a reality can be decided by the mayor, the President of the Region or by the executive. At this moment, however, after the reopening we have transferred to the Regions, in a very close relationship with the Government, all the competences in this matter. Obviously, the President of Campania Vincenzo De Luca, like all governors, can always count on the help of the Government “.

Mondragone seaside resorts: “It’s raining cancellations”

The outbreak of the Cirio Palaces also frightens tourists: “Last weekend it was not sold out, but we could see a turnaround across the country. Now instead it rains cancellations, the risk is that the season will be compromised “, explains Salvatore Brodella, owner of a well-known seaside resort in Mondragone (Caserta) and local delegate of the BIB (Italian seaside trade union). The health emergency, and tensions with the Bulgarian community, “it is having very strong repercussions on the entire economic fabric of the city”. In Mondragone’s beaches “attendance is currently zero. A pity if we consider the improvement of the climate compared to the past weeks. Last weekend was positive, not sold out, but we were starting to see a turnaround after the months of lockdown. Now, however, it is raining cancellations, there are those who have canceled the rental of the house for the holidays in July and August, with repercussions on all the collateral catering and public businesses. The data is worrying. ”

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