Home » today » Entertainment » Monday the assignment for toxicological examination and autopsy- Corriere.it

Monday the assignment for toxicological examination and autopsy- Corriere.it

The task will be entrusted on Monday by the prosecutors of Rome for the autopsy on the actor’s body Libero De Rienzo, 44 years old, found dead at 8pm on Thursday in his home in the Madonna del Riposo area, in Rome.

The deputy prosecutor Nunzia D’Elia and the prosecutor Francesco Minisci yesterday opened an investigation file in which it is hypothesized the crime of death as a consequence of another crime.

Libero De Rienzo, who died at 44: the insights

The magistrates will also have the toxicological examination: the objective of the investigator is to understand whether the plaintiff took drugs in the hours preceding his death: an investigative hypothesis formulated from the first hours after the discovery of De Rienzo’s body, even if the family claims that the actor had not used drugs for some time.

A white powder substance it would have been found at the actor’s house: kidnapped by the carabinieri of the Madonna del Riposo station, it will be analyzed in the next few days.

According to the coroner, De Rienzo had been dead for at least 24 hours at the time of the discovery.

As indicated who, the carabinieri – after listening to the actor’s wife and the friend who found the actor, unconscious, at home – are reconstructing the details of the last 48 hours of De Rienzo’s life.

Alone at home, the actor had his cell phone with him, in whose memory the carabinieri could find traces to reconstruct movements and contacts. The questions are different: who had De Rienzo met with? Has anyone given him drugs?

July 17, 2021 | 13:20


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