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Monaco: Police apprehend two drug dealers

Allach/ Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn – It was apparently a successful first weekend in November for the Munich drug police: they found and arrested two drug dealers.

Inmate cocaine dealer from Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn

The police were already on the trail of the former: they received a search warrant for the 33-year-old from Höhenkirchen and paid him a visit on Friday afternoon, November 4th. The man was arrested and is under house arrest. Police found synthetic drugs, including 150 grams of amphetamines and cocaine, in various caches in his room.

Allach: Dealer caught checking

The second drug dealer was caught by the police on the following Saturday, November 5: Plainclothes police officers wanted to check the 20-year-old Allacher in Otto-Warburg-Strasse. The 20-year-old’s nerves have passed. When two plainclothes policemen approached the wealth advisor on Otto-Warburg-Strasse, he reacted in panic. The 20-year-old also tried to escape. The police caught up with him. When they checked the suspect’s pockets, they found 70 grams of cocaine. The drug has a black market value of up to €7,000 in street sales.

The two defendants (left and right) are standing in the courtroom while lawyers Sebastian Weber (2nd from left) and Christian Barthelmes (2nd from right) are talking.  The two suspended officers were sentenced on Tuesday.

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More cocaine was seized in the estate advisor’s apartment. A preliminary investigation has been launched against the suspect for drug trafficking of no small importance. The man faces a year in prison.

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