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Mona Wassef in Al-Modon: I am reaping the fruits of a long artistic history

Despite the numerous criticisms that followed the “Al-Hiba” series regarding the allegations of glorifying the mafia and the drug man and making him a hero, his mass success has been his biggest supporter, especially since people were attached to his characters, his heroes and the story of the superhero “Mountain Sheikh al-Jabal” who managed to defeat all his enemies.

Mona Wassef, together with Tim Hassan, is considered one of the most important pillars of this work, which the company “Al-Sabah” has decided to turn into a film instead of concluding its five seasons with a sixth, betting on the attachment of the public and perhaps she was almost certain that this large audience “would not let them down”. Rather, “it will express his loyalty to him with his cinematic presence, where the stories are different because it is the people who go to the cinema while the television enters every house”.

prestige heroine

Mona Wasef, the heroine of “Al-Hiba”, indicates in an interview with “Al-Modon” that she supports the idea of ​​crowning the five parts of the series with a film, but does not hide that she was surprised when she learned that the company “Al-Sabah” has plans to produce a film about it, and adds: “It’s a beautiful and pioneering step.” It is unprecedented in the history of Arabian drama, because a TV series has never been made into a movie, but the opposite has happened, which means that the films have been converted into a TV series.
Wassef continues with joy: “The opening of the film in Dubai took me back to the year 2017, when we presented the first part of the” Al-Hiba “series, where we were awarded at the” Dubai Film Festival “, and this is the thing. it hasn’t happened before because no drama series has ever been awarded at a film festival.

euphoria of success

And regarding his take on the ingredients that were available in the “Al-Hiba” series and that made people enjoy all this glow, Wassef believes there are things that cannot be explained, and says: “You can’t bet on success, and even in Hollywood they do not bet on success, because sometimes they can offer a job and when to achieve success they produce a work similar to it, but it will fail, even if its production cost is much greater than the cost of the first work. it happened over and over again. I don’t know what the secret of the success of “Al-Hiba” is, whether a series or a film, and we were all surprised. ”
Adds Wassef: “The rapture of the success of the ‘Al-Hiba’ series for five years is incredible, then came the euphoria of the success of the film. I don’t know what to say, but I’m sure it is a gift from the Lord of Gods. Worlds to the artist, and there is no other explanation for what happened with the “Al-Hiba” series. In its five parts, and then with the film. “

Few scenes

Although his scenes in the film “Al-Hiba” do not exceed the number of fingers, Wassef emphasizes the importance of the role he plays, regardless of the number of scenes, and explains: “I never stopped at the number of scenes in each opera. that I have participated in, and each scene I present is (Master Sin). For me, for example, if I have participated in five scenes, it must be above the description, and the same thing if I have participated in three scenes or only two. what matters most to me is to work on the scenes and not on their number, and all that interests me is my presence in the work of art, whether it is a film, a series or a play, I work from my he starts just like a farmer cultivates his land to grow crops and roses ”.

Eighty years of experience

Wassef, whose artistic career spans more than 60 years, is not burdened by acting. He says, “The more stressful acting is, the more fun it is.” The role of the usurer in the comedy “The merchant of Venice”, although he did not need this role, but his passion as an actor was what prompted him to try to act on stage.
Wassef continued: “Passion is what drives the actor to have different artistic experiences, and the actor likes to hear that he understands everything and who he is so continues, and acting is fun for him, and all the fatigue soon disappears and comes. replaced by fun. ”
Wassef believes that “in my experience as an actress, I reap the rewards of a long artistic history, not limited to one or two series, one or two films. When I participated in the film” The Message “, I should have been afraid of any role that I could have played after it, but I didn’t, but rather I said that this international film is a gift from God, and I went back to the National Theater and stayed on its stage as usual, then I attended a film, and then I participated in the “Asaad Al Warraq” series in 1975, achieving unparalleled success. “I also traveled to the Gulf, specifically to Dubai, and then I came to Lebanon. All the works that I participate in have been important to me and I have not stopped at all “.

Wassef left for Dubai, accompanied by director Rasha Sharbatji, to participate in the “Star Academy”, aimed at students wishing to study acting, where they take training courses and graduate to become stars of the acting world.

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