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07.12.2023 23:36, Dmitry Rud
As promised, on December 7, early access of the MMO shooter The Day Before with survival elements and an open world from developers from the Yakut studio Fntastic (headquartered in Singapore) started on the Steam service.
Image Source: Steam (XdotingsugarX)
The cost of the starting version of The Day Before on Russian Steam is 1300 rubles. The game’s page warns that with a full release (when it happens is unclear) the price will rise.
Judging by the first responses, the launch of The Day Before in early access was not pleasant. Of the 2,198 reviews counted by Steam, only 15% are positive, leaving Fntastic with “extremely negative” reviews.
Image source: Steam
Users complain about connection problems (Fntastic confirmed overload of North American servers), lack of servers and other technical issues – at the time of publication in The Day Before played about 35 thousand people.
In addition, the Steam community is replete with screenshots of characters falling through the map, passing through each other, increasing in size (not completely), with ray tracing “features” and other quirks.
The Day Before takes place in the aftermath of a pandemic in the metropolis of New Fortune City. They promised battles with other players and the infected, transport, their own ranch and full support for the Russian language.
It was previously reported that from the start of early access in The Day Before it will be implemented “everything we wanted” developers, and by release 1.0 they will add additional content to the game (items, cars, houses), improve the balance and fix bugs.