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Molloot Ivo about episode three: ‘Ellie emerges as the Mol-Mata Hari’

Jeroen now knew that Ellie only wanted to marry him if he would come with a hefty dowry. Not much later he confessed that he had wanted to make himself a suspect at Tygo. There had been a confusing assignment involving a bunch of keys, chains, locks, tubes, olive trees and lots of running, requiring the candidates to pass money on to the person whose name or head was on the note in question. During the enthusiastic transfer between Tygo and Jeroen, a hundred-dollar note tore in two, after which Jeroen stopped it on, well…, say in a place where the sun rarely comes. He had kept that money nice and warm there and had not given it to treasurer Ellie at the end of the assignment, so that Tygo would think that Jeroen was the mole.

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But now, here, with Ellie in the confessional, he fished it up from the recesses of his pants to show her that he could be seriously trusted if she wanted to do business with him. And Ellie saw that it was good and settled the covenant with the announcement that Jeroen was indebted to her. I choked on the red wine because why the hell did Jeroen owe her anything now? He had just confessed one of his biggest smelly secrets to her. I thought it was smart. Jeroen was so happy that she agreed: he had a bond and he had learned that he really should share everything, everything, everything with her. Especially now that Ellie had said she had some of his too good. Yes that moment was perhaps the highlight of the episode.

Ellie promised to defend him a bit over the next meal if the group asked him too many questions about the money. Well that happened. Tygo practically flew across the table to lift Jeroen by the ankles, shake it upside down, and find the torn hundred. Ellie delivered on her promise by saying something about “the same answer.” And that was it. I saw a very smart woman there, who did just enough to maintain Jeroen’s trust, but not to antagonize the group too much and thereby especially lend herself a helping hand.

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Or no, the most amazing moment of the episode was when Patrick went to Ellie a little later to talk about their bond and Ellie confided to him that Jeroen had shown her the torn bills. But why he had withheld the bills, she did not tell Patrick.

I almost choked on the cocktail nuts, because here we saw Mata Hari at work. For those who do not know her: Mata Hari was a Dutch erotic dancer who presumably as a double agent provided information to both the German and French intelligence services during the First World War. I know it might be going a bit far to picture Ellie in a dress and high heels turning around a pole, but it is certain that she seems to know exactly what information to share in order to gain enough confidence and above all to benefit from it.

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For a moment I thought: ‘aha! See! Ellie is the mole ‘because she decides what to share. And the title of this episode is ‘Decision’. But then I had to conclude that that title can traditionally also refer to a hundred other moments: that Jeroen decides to hide the torn note and lie to Tygo about it, that Jeroen decides to confide in Ellie, that Tygo decides to leave Jeroen during the food about that torn note, that Ron decides he can do almost nothing, that Nikkie decides to wear pink nail polish, that Horace decides that just before the test and execution he will hand in the money he had previously in castle Poppi had outsmarted.

Oh no, Horace’s decision is dropped again, because he eventually passed out. Bummed, because last week I was still full on him and now… Although his execution was shown in such a strange way that I would also like to start from the ‘nothing is what it seems’ principle here. Next week it turns out that he has decided to be born again and come back, provided Ellie wants to enter into a bond with him. And he has to confess a few things first, because Ellie only does a sexy dance when she gets better from it. And blame her.

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Ivo van Woerden is a journalist and writer. He looks at it every year Who is the mole? and secretly hopes to one day be a CN’er enough to participate, but suspects that he will be out after the first episode.

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