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Moldovan Citizen Implicated in Nord Stream Gas Pipeline Scandal Due to Stolen Passport

A citizen of Moldova with a Romanian passport was involved in the Nord Stream gas pipeline scandal. It turned out that the passport details of an engineer living in the suburbs of Chisinau, without his knowledge, were used by the attackers who organized the explosions (according to one of the versions) to rent the yacht that transported them.

Until recently, the man arrived in happy ignorance. The 60-year-old resident of Goianul Nou has never been contacted by German, Romanian or Moldovan police. His “involvement” was reported in the publication RISE Moldova, whose journalists conducted their own investigation.

“One of the versions of the German investigators points to a group of five men and one woman who rented the Andromeda yacht and, presumably, delivered explosives to that area of ​​​​the Baltic Sea. One of the men on board used the personal details of a Romanian passport when boarding the yacht. The German authorities handed over the obtained data to the Romanian authorities, and they established that we are talking about Stefan Marku, a citizen of Moldova and Romania, who lives in the village of Goianul Nou, a 20-minute drive from Chisinau, ”the source specified.

RISE Moldova journalists confirmed that the Moldovan Stefan to Mark – this is the person whose data was used when boarding the Andromeda yacht.
Marku himself said that he learned about the explosion at Nord Stream from the news. In September 2022, he did not even leave the country. Eight months after the incident, journalists came to his home.

“To say that I am pleased when my personality is used is to lie. I am amazed,” said Stefan, adding that his wife did not sleep for two nights after she found out about it.

Later, the German police confirmed that when everything happened, he really did not leave the Republic of Moldova.

“It turned out that it was a fake passport, and I was not involved in this. For me it’s a plus that I won’t have a headache. This means that they (the police) found out that during this time I did not leave the country, and they realized that I had nothing to do with all this disgrace, ”the man calmed down.

He also remembered that he showed his passport only when traveling to European countries for holidays. The last time it was in June 2019 in Romania. Then, in September of the same year, he was vacationing in Bulgaria, and after that the pandemic began, and he never left the country. As a result, Stefan believes that his data could have been taken anywhere and that this is a human factor.

Recall that explosions on 3 out of 4 Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines were recorded on the night of September 26, 2022. These gas pipelines connected Russia with Germany along the bottom of the Baltic Sea and were the main route for the supply of Russian natural gas to the European Union. As the famous American investigative journalist found out Seymour Hersh, the attacks were organized by the US intelligence services with the help of colleagues from Norway under the guise of NATO exercises Baltops. However, after the publication of these data in Washington, they quickly came up with their own version, which filled all the European media. According to her, the trace goes to “unknown Ukrainian patriots.”

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2023-08-30 12:50:00

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