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Mohammed VI convenes a Council of Ministers to cry out his anger?

Le roi du Maroc, Mohammed VI

The King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, convened a Council of Ministers on Monday June 29, 2020. The first since the appearance of the Coronavirus on Moroccan soil. Sanctions are not to be dismissed during this meeting.

The information was given by Bladi who quotes Telquel. The King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, convened a Council of Ministers on Monday, June 29, 2020. The newspaper specifies that this is the first Council of Ministers since the appearance of the Covid-19 in Morocco in early March 2020 .

Revealing that “the Councils of Ministers are quite rare in Morocco, the last going back to the end of last year, during which two bills had been passed as well as two international conventions”, the newspaper, which cites its sources, specifies that “the Council was planned a few weeks ago, but King Mohammed VI successfully underwent a surgical operation following a recurrence of the heart rhythm disorder type atrial flutter on healthy heart”.

Evoking certain sources, the newspaper indicates that the Council of Ministers could be the occasion for the king to spread all his dissatisfaction following the affair of the two PJD ministers pinned for not having declared their employees to the Social Security Fund. Better, Mohammed VI could seize this opportunity to cry out his anger. And rightly so.

Indeed, while the king had almost sealed the fate of the Coronavirus, which he fiercely fought to the point of obtaining essential points, pushing the virus back to its last entrenchments, now that his efforts are being wiped out by populations who trample on the recommendations of the health authorities, refusing to observe the application of barrier gestures.

What made the cases explode in Morocco to the point of worrying. A lack of follow-up by the authorities, in particular of Casablanca, Rabat and other Marrakech, of the instructions given by the king? Or simply an indiscipline of the populations? If Mohammed VI tackles this hot topic, for sure, the responsibilities will be located. No doubt sanctions will fall.

Recall that Morocco has 12,248 cases of people infected with Coronavirus for 8,790 cures and 220 deaths.

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