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Modern help for infertile couples from VittoriaVita agency

For every woman, this period is emotional, full of expectations and anxieties. And the most important thing is the feeling of fatherhood, now they are not just a family, but parents. They talk about this moment with joy and share the news with friends and family. But this is not always the case.

The problem of infertility is quite serious, because today more than 50 million married couples around the world are considered infertile. And in the last 20 years, this number has only increased. Although reproductive medicine is developing rapidly.

According to the official WHO definition, infertility is the inability to get pregnant naturally for 12 months, with regular unprotected sex, naturally.

There are many different treatments and assistive technologies in modern medicine. One of the most successful is surrogacy.

The European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) considers GS to be one of the morally acceptable methods of treating infertility, as this technology is one of the most effective.

What is the surrogacy program?

Surrogacy is an assisted reproductive technology that helps couples with complete infertility to have their own child. The essence of the method lies in the fact that a couple leaves their sex cells (sperm and eggs). The doctor performs IVF fertilization in a laboratory. Then a live embryo is implanted into a third woman who gestates and gives birth to a child. After giving birth, the child is passed to the genetic parents, who receive legal parental authority over the child.

The organization and implementation of the program are carried out by professional agencies that deal with all problems.

We spoke with the manager of the VittoriaVita agency who told us all the details of the organization of the surrogacy. This is a company that helps a couple find a surrogate mother and controls the entire process.

What must parents do to participate in the program?

First of all, the couple must leave a request on the website. After that, the consultant contacts them via Skype and explains all the details. To study the information, parents are given sample contracts, which describe the rights and obligations of the parties. This is done for the legal safety of the parents, surrogate mother, and child.

The next stage is the examination by the doctors and the choice of a fertilization program. According to VittoriaVita’s manager, the company may offer to use its own sex cells or attract an egg donor.

The agency then offers the catalog to select a surrogate mother. All women live in Ukraine. This country is the world center for surrogacy, because commercial DS is allowed there at the legislative level, women of Ukrainian origin enjoy excellent health, as well as low prices for services for surrogate mothers.

Requirements for women?

The program is very responsible and exciting. And the life of the child depends on the general condition of the woman. Therefore, the selection of women is very strict.

VittoriaVita shared information on the criteria:

– The presence of at least one healthy child born naturally;
– Excellent physical and psychological health. There should be no genetic pathology or disease that can cause problems during pregnancy and delivery.
– Age from 19 to 38 years old. This is the best time for pregnancy;
– No bad habits. Do not smoke, drink alcohol, and much less drugs (they check through tests).
– Only the positive Rh factor. To avoid Rh conflict during pregnancy;
– Quality of life, diet, hobbies and hobbies are taken into account;
– Any hard and physical work during the program is excluded.

Before being included in the catalog, each woman undergoes an interview with a psychologist who determines her willingness to become a surrogate mother.

Family photo

What happens after choosing the woman?

When the couple has decided on the fertilization method and with the surrogate mother, an agreement is drawn up, which is signed by the couple, the woman and the agency acts as an intermediary. Each of the parties has its own rights and obligations.

For example, the responsibilities of the VittoriaVita center include: assigning each couple a personal coordinator to accompany them throughout the program, until the delivery of the child and return home. Helps parents to contact the pregnant woman, organizes the first trip to the center.

Take the appointment for the couple with the reproductive doctors who will stimulate the ovaries to obtain the eggs and subsequent fertilization in the laboratory. If the woman cannot provide the material, the agency helps select a donor.

The coordinator can arrange a consultation with a psychologist and a lawyer to resolve any situation.

Thus, the couple is deprived of all problems, from fertilization to childbirth. They simply observe the progress of the pregnancy and the development of your child. And if they wish, they will actively communicate with the surrogate mother, who will tell her how things are going and her feelings.

At the end of the program, the company will organize the arrival of the biological parents to Ukraine for the delivery of the child. If the couple wants, they can participate in the delivery.

Subsequently, the coordinator prepares all the documents to obtain parental authority and the baby’s departure home.

For the period of delivery, delivery of the child and the signing of all the documents, the couple has comfortable apartments to live in.

How much does the service cost?

There are many different options for surrogacy programs. According to the VittoriaVita website, the cost can range from € 36,000 to € 50,000.

Each couple has its own characteristics, conditions and program plan, which is selected individually. Therefore, the cost may differ in different cases. There are also additional payments: for cryopreservation of embryos or twins.

Payment is made in 4 stages: after the contract is signed, at the 3rd month of pregnancy, at the 7th month of pregnancy and after delivery of the child and the birth certificate.

The final cost is written in the contract after agreeing on all the details of the program.

Surrogacy is an effective and successful technology that enables an infertile couple to have their child genetically. After all, a family is complete when a child appears in it.

Don’t give up if you have been told the infertility diagnosis, because all is not lost!

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