Home » today » Business » “Modern Bulgaria”: The voting of the debt should be by roll call – 2024-09-10 21:49:15

“Modern Bulgaria”: The voting of the debt should be by roll call – 2024-09-10 21:49:15

/ world today news/ The civil non-partisan Movement “Modern Bulgaria” insists that the vote on the “Borisov” loan be held before the eyes of the nation and that each deputy take personal responsibility for his vote. This means to vote by “standing up when your name is called in alphabetical order and answering with “for”, “against” and “abstained”, on the basis of Article 63, Paragraph 2, Item 3 of the Regulations for the Organization and the activities of the National Assembly, and the meeting itself to be broadcast directly on the public media.

Before that, however, the rulers must give concrete and justified answer the following ten questions:

  1. What exactly will be spent on the 4 billion with which the rulers claim that they would finance the deficit for 3 years? For education? For healthcare? For social policy? Or to buy arms and feed hoops from ruling companies that will pay off during the election campaigns to come?

  2. Who chose the debt agent banks and within what public procedure?

  3. Has there been interest from other banks and according to what criteria are those banks that the Finance Minister has agreed with preferred, and not others?

  4. What commissions (specifically with numbers and percentages, not with general talk about “trade secrets” and “banking practices”) will these banks receive, that is, will they be paid by the Bulgarian taxpayers?

  5. Why was the signing of the debt by the Ministry of Finance done in total secrecy and non-transparency without prior informing the National Assembly, which is the only constitutional body that can authorize the assumption of national debt?

  6. If the statement of the Quadruple Coalition is true that there was no “new debt”, and with 12 billion from the “Borisov” loan, they would pay “old debts”, why was Bulgaria’s debt burden a year ago around 17-18%, and for 2017 . is set at 34%?

  7. In the general structure of Bulgaria’s debt at the end of 2014, loans for investments were only around 10-12%. The rest is spending that does not lead to development. What is the percentage of the new Borisov debt that will be invested in the economy?

  8. Why is the Law on the State Budget, in which the debt limit for 2015 – BGN 6.9 billion, is set – violated?

  9. Where in the pre-election programs of the parties from the Quadruple Coalition does it say that they will lead the country into a new debt spiral? Before the elections, they said that they would make some famous reforms that would make the economy flourish. They said that they would not allow a “Greek scenario”. There was no word about gigantic new debts. Why did they lie? Trick?

  10. What are the guarantees given by the Quadruple Coalition that it does not bring Bulgaria into a “Greek scenario”?

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