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Model of Tesla, Volkswagen is investing billions in their own Software

Volkswagen continues to expand its own business unit for the production of Software for cars quickly. “Digitisation is a clock for Volkswagen. The Plan is, and we do Tempo”said Christian Senger, member of the management Board of the Volkswagen brand, the world on Sunday. “We are investing in the next five years, more than seven billion euros just in the tasks and projects of the Car.Software-Organization. This is a powerful project.”

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Group chief Herbert Diess driving the digitalisation and electrification of the Volkswagen models. Part of this strategy, the structure of the Car is.Software-Organization. It is expected to grow until 2025 from currently around 5,000 to 10,000 Employees and in the future, especially the operating system for all passenger Car from Volkswagen manufacture. The new business unit is to have an international footprint. “Around 50 percent of the employees will be active in Europe, mostly in Germanysaid Senger. “Around a third working in China. Other units we will have in North America, Israel and India. Thus, we are well positioned.”

A model for the development of its own Software production at Volkswagen, and a private Cloud for the data of the vehicles, especially the US competitor to the Tesla is. “By 2025 all new model generations are to run on our own operating system. The are in perspective, many millions of new vehicles per year. Because our strength lies”said Senger. “But still, many of the progressive approaches, as they assume, for example, Tesla is not one-to-one to our firm. There, the colleagues from California are, in turn, the reference.” Because you’ll put, this one wants to change in the next few years.

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