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“Moctezuma’s plume is from Mexico”: Eduardo Matos Moctezuma

Mexico City.Moctezuma’s plume is from Mexico. If Moctezuma gave it to Cortés in 1519 as a gift, it does not matter; For me, it does not lose the character of being a national heritage,” said anthropologist and archaeologist Eduardo Matos Moctezuma.

He stressed that “all archaeological objects that are abroad from Mexico, regardless of how they left, by gift or by looting, do not lose the character indicated by the law.”

The specialist gave the keynote lecture “Moctezuma’s Plume: From Mexico or Austria?” at the Electoral Judicial School (EJE), of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF).

He referred to the controversy that this piece, considered a symbol of power at the time, has caused between both countries.

Mexico has tried to recover the plume, as well as other archaeological objects such as codices found in museums in Germany, Italy, France, Spain and other nations, without success, and although UNESCO supports the fight for goods of this type to be returned to their countries of origin, until now there is no legal recourse that allows it, he explained.

According to the Federal Law on Monuments and Archaeological, Artistic and Historical Zones, in force since 1972 in the country, the Moctezuma plume is property of the nation regardless of where it is at the moment or the reason why it is not in Mexico. , he added.

Article 27 of this law states that archaeological, movable and immovable monuments are property of the nation, inalienable and imprescriptible, while article 28 states that movable and immovable property that is the product of cultures prior to the establishment of Hispanic culture is archaeological monuments. in the national territory, as well as the human remains, flora and fauna, related to these cultures.

Matos Moctezuma added that in the country there are precedents of archaeological assets that have been returned, such as in 1982 when an individual stole Aubin’s Tonalámatl codex from the National Library of France, which caused a tense situation between both countries. Mexico maintains that the document is part of the national heritage.

Another is the delivery made by Pope John Paul II of the Codex of the Cross-Badiano which, although it is a document of colonial herbalism deposited in the Vatican Apostolic Library, was returned to the nation through an act of good faith.

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