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Mobilization of the sans-facs of Nanterre, a fair fight – Liberation

A collective of teachers and education personnel is providing support to the sans-facs and student activists who have occupied the offices of the presidency of Paris-Nanterre University since October 27.

Since the beginning of September, they have been mobilizing to register students who have remained unassigned at the university. Each year several thousand students are refused the basic right to study, because of the selection made at the entrance of the university. This selection primarily affects students from working-class classes.

This selection is the result of a policy of budgetary shortages affecting higher education, just like all public services.

The fight of teachers mobilized in recent years, from the bac strike to that of the E3C, has always been waged both against the Blanquer reforms and against Parcoursup, which by setting up the selection to the university emptied the bac of its first function: to be the first university degree opening the door to higher education.

Once the bac emptied of its meaning, the door was wide open to the scrapping of this national diploma and the public high school.

The inalienable right to be studied for all

The fight of the sans-facs and their supports has therefore always been ours, it is that of the right to education for all, that of the refusal of social selection, that of a distribution of wealth according to needs of the majority of the population. While the government distributed 500 billion euros to employers during the health crisis, it refuses to grant the 20 billion necessary over 10 years to cope with the increase in the number of students.

While we are more than a month after the start of the academic year and the occupation action began more than 5 days ago, the presidency of the University of Nanterre still refuses to commit to registering the 61 students. · S whose files remain overdue. She puts forward the lack of places as the reason for this refusal. The University of Nanterre welcomes more than 30,000 students. It is wrong to say that 61 more people would blow up the operating capacity of this university.

The real budget shortage that affects all universities cannot be fought by agreeing to select students. On the contrary, it can only be fought by reaffirming the inalienable right to study for all. It fights by refusing to vote these austerity budgets in the boards of directors. As in the first and the second degree, with the fights for the opening of additional classes, for the increase of DHG, students and staff must fight in the higher education for an increase in budgets and places at University.

The president of the University of Nanterre has the power to enroll these 61 students remaining in his university and thus participate in action in this fight for the right to education for all. .

We, teachers and education staff, support the sans-facs and their supporters in this occupation action until the demand for the registration of the remaining files is satisfied.

This is why we call, as education personnel and members of the educational community, the presidency of the University of Nanterre, to take its responsibilities to find a quick solution to these enrollment problems.

First signatories: Frédéric Lordon, research director at the CNRS; Willy Pelletier, sociologist, University of Picardy; Ludivine Bantigny, historian, University of Rouen-Normandie; Laurence De Cock, historian, teacher, Paris-Diderot University; Frédéric Grimaud, school teacher, researcher at the SnuiPP-FSU Work Site; Ugo Palette, lecturer, University of Lille; Véronique Decker, retired school principal; Rodrigo Arenas, former co-president of the national FCPE; Isabelle Vuillet, co-secretary general of the CGT Educ’action; Kevin Le Tétour, Biatss, Federal South Education co-secretary.

First collective signatures CGT Educ’action (National Union of National Education Unions, UNSEN-CGT), Education & Research Federation of the CNT-SO, Sud Education Federation, CGT Educ’action 92, Sud Education 75 and 92, Departmental Union CGT 92 and 94, CGT Educ’action 13, 33, 75, 80, 95, 94, CGT Educ’action Aquitaine, Clermont-Ferrand and Reims, Emancipation trend inter-union, Support committee for 4 de Melle, CNT-SO EPICS-FP Aquitaine

Find all the signatories of this text : https://vu.fr/signataires-tribune-sans-facs

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